Chapter 64: Safe and Sound

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Mason's POV: ( 5 Month Timeskip )

It's been 5 months since Wellington. Me and Kenny are sitting around a campfire cooking a raccoon, we managed to return to the place where (Y/N) went missing but we found no trace.

Me: So... Kenny, you still think we can find him?

Kenny: Maybe, I don't know, but I made a promise.

Me: To Clem and some badass who died?

Kenny: Yep... I'll not rest until I find him.

Me: Neither will I.

I just watch the raccoon being cooked as I shed a single tear.

Kenny: Seein' your brothers dead body again, I shouldn't have asked you to come look at his last known location.

Me: It''s fine. Jack also taught me how to start fires.

Kenny: He did seem like a smart sonuvabitch.

Me: He was...

I then lie down as I close my eyes, eventually letting the relaxing feeling that was sleep overpower me.

Clem's POV:

I'm currently taking a walk around Wellington remembering (Y/N) and everything we've done together. I hope he is all right. I sit down on a bench and stare into the night sky.

???: Hey.

I turn around and see a boy about my age sit next to me. I look back at the sky.

Boy: My name is Harold. What is yours?

Me: Clementine..

Harold: You okay?

Me: Fine... I just... I just want to be alone.

Harold: We're friends now, and friends talk to each other.

I look at him with an annoyed look.

Me: *a little annoyed* We just met, we're not friends.

Harold: Maybe if we get to know each other?

Me: *annoyed* Leave me alone.

Harold: Why?

Me: *annoyed* Because I want to be alone!

He was taken back a bit.

Harold: Oh come on, Clementine. Let's just--

???: This guy bothering you, Clem?

I look over and see Sarah and her boyfriend, Josh.

Me: Yes.

Harold: *to Sarah and Josh* I'm trying to comfort her and make some friends here.

Josh: Well, it seems like she doesn't want to talk to you.

Sarah: So back off, simp.

Harold: *stands up* The fuck did you just call me?

Josh: She ain't wrong.

Harold walks away annoyed as Sarah and Josh come over to see me.

Josh: Still missin' your best friend slash crush?

Me: Kinda...

Sarah: Clem, don't worry, you'll see him again, I promise.

Me: *stands up* I guess... also how is AJ?

Sarah: Doing fine, Edith is taking care of him right now so me and Josh can have a little date.

Me: I can't believe you actually confessed to him last week. And I find it funny that you got a crush on him as soon as you saw him.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now