Chapter 66: Suicidal

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(Y/N)'s POV: ( Flashback )

I slowly wake up in a dark room. I try and move but my hands are tied up, the lights in the room then turn on as I see 3 people enter the room, one of them walks up to me.

Man: Hello.

Me: What the hell do you want?!

Man: My name is Isaac. I'm the leader of this community we're making.

Me: I didn't ask for your name!

He then punches me in the gut as I winch in pain.

Isaac: *smirks* Brave but stupid. I like you already. Well, to answer your question. My community is currently running out of workers, I send my men to go out and "burrow" people to work for us.

Me: I've been in a community like yours. It didn't end well.

Isaac: Trust me, everyone here is stronger than we look. Walkers are everywhere, eating whatever they see and doing... whatever they do in their free time. Buuuuut, that's not that point. The point is we're runnin' low on workers and we need you to be on that row.

Me: Do I have a choice in the matter?

Isaac: *chuckles* You are only leaving when you're dead. Our goal is simple, survive the apocalypse. Now, are you going to behave? Or are you going to be trouble? *takes out a cleaver and leans closer to me* And I HATE trouble.

Me: You talk a lot.

Isaac: Leaders tend to do that. *leans away from me and puts his cleaver on a table* What's your name kid?

I didn't want to tell this monster my name.

Me: Lee.

Isaac: Well, Lee. Welcome to the family of survival.

( End of Flashback )

Blood trips down from my wrist. But then someone took the knife from my hand, I look up and see it's another worker.

Worker: What the fuck are you doing?!

Me: Ending my life!

Worker: Why?

I just glare at him.


Worker: What if we're able to leave?

Me: I still lost everyone.

Man: Hey! Let him kill himself, Xander.

Xander: Enslaving people, especially kids. Is beyond cruel, a fucking kid is trying to kill himself!

Man: Lee can make his own decisions. If he wants to kill himself, then he can. We ain't full crazy.

Xander: Cause letting a kid kill himself while also further stating he has too is insane!

Familiar Voice: His name isn't Lee, I've met this kid before.

We all turn around and I see some who I never thought I would see again.

Vernon: We meet again.

Me: *gets up* Look who it is, the boat thief!

Vernon: You all shouldn't have left the boat unattended. So... I'm assuming everyone you were with are dead. Including Lee and Clementine.

A tear drops from my face at the mention of their names. Isaac then walks up to us.

Isaac: You know Lee?

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now