Chapter 37: The End of Lee Everett

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Lee's POV:

I slowly start to wake up. The first thing I hear is Clementine!

Clementine: Lee, wake up! Please don't be dead, please no.

I then fully wake up.

Clementine: Lee! I was so scared... I--I thought you left me... I... I... I saw my parents.

She said while crying.

Me: I know. They didn't get to you, right?

Clementine: No. We got away. They're dead for sure.

I then sit up.

Me: Clementine, we have to get out of here as fast as we can.

I say very weakly.

Clementine: We can't! There's thousands of them outside.

Me: We have to. I'll protect you; we'll push through them.

Clementine: No, that's crazy! I saved you; we're safe here, I locked us in.

Me: Get that door open.

Clementine: I can't!

I stand up as me and Clem walk towards the overhead door as I get down on my knees as we hold the handles.

Clementine: It was only a little open when I found it. I closed it to keep us safe.

Me: Pull on three. One. Two. Three.

Me and Clem both try to open it, but it's no use. I gave up trying to open it to let out a cough.

Clementine: See?

Me: Clementine. Honey. My arm is gone because I cut it off.

I Said as I notice my skin slowly becoming pale.

Clementine: Why would you do that...?

Me: Because I was bitten, Clem.

Clementine: Please, no. No. That's not true.

Me: Yes, it is.

Clem begins to break down and cry.

Me: I'm sorry, Clementine. I'm supposed to take care of you and (Y/N). I can't now.

Clementine: I know.

I stand back up. I feel extremely, and I spot a walker through a window.

Clementine: I think there might be a way out over there.

Me: Good. Good girl. Let's go. I might be a little slow.

I walk over and almost fall but I manage to keep myself from falling by putting my right arm on some display glass as Clem helps me walk.

Clementine: I'll help you.

I slowly walk over towards the door with Clem, I almost fall as Clem catches me.

Clementine: I got you. You can lean on me if you have to.

Me: I'm okay, I'm okay...

Clementine: I thought I was helping by bringing you in here.

Me: You couldn't have known... I should've told you...

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now