Chapter 7: Drugstore Overrun

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Lee's POV:

Me and Carley arrived at the motor inn, once we arrived I saw a walker.

Lee: "Shit! Get down!" I whispered loudly.

We both got down hiding behind brick walls, after about 4 seconds the walker left.

Lee: "Phew."

I then heard something from the ice machine.

Carley: "Did you see that?"

Lee: "Sure did."

Carley pointed her gun at the ice machine as I stepped back.

Lee: "Be ready to shoot."

She then nodded as the ice machine opened, revealing Glenn.

Glenn: "GUYS! Oh man, I'm glad you're here."

Carley then lowered her weapon.

Carley: "Jesus, Glenn!"

He then joined us behind the brick wall.

Lee: "All right, that wasn't so hard."

Carley: "Can we get out of here before any of these things notice us?"

Glenn: "Not yet. There's a survivor trapped up there."

Carley: "No way, we gotta go. NOW."

Glenn: "LISTEN. I was out here looking for gas. And then, up there in the corner room, I heard crying coming from inside."

Lee: "Who is it?"

Glenn: "It's a girl. We talked and she got frightened. I was trying to get in and help her and she started yelling and saying I was bitten. I tried to convince her I wasn't and that's when all of these guys came out of the forest. A couple almost got me and I ended up hiding in the ice machine."

Carley: "Lucky you; now let's go!"

Glenn: "We can't just leave her."

Lee: "Damn right we can't."

Carley: "You guys are suicidal. Over a girl!"

Glenn: "I'm saving her, with or without you."

Lee: "Think about if it was you."

Carley: "Fine. Let's go save Glenn's damsel in distress."

We then devised a plan.

Clementine's POV:

Me and Y/N chat more.

Clementine: "Hey are you okay."

Y/N: "Yeah. Are we friends?"

Clementine: "Yes, friends forever!"

I smiled at him as he smiled back.

Y/N: "Where are your parents?"

Clementine: "Somewhere in Savannah."

Y/N: "Oh okay, I have been there before on a vacation with my..."

He then changed from smiling to being sad as I felt bad.

Clementine: "Oh, I'm sorry Y/N." I said with worry looking deep into his eyes.

Y/N: "It's... ok."

Lee's POV:

We killed almost all the walkers, the only ones left were the two banging at the girl's door. I pull out my fire axe that I got while dealing with the walkers. I then snuck up behind them and killed them both.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now