Chapter 54: Lost Friendship

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I cut Sarita's arm off as it falls to the floor.

Sarita: You... you...

She starts screaming as walkers start chomping her down as I watch in horror.

Clem: What... did you do?

Kenny: Sarita? NO!

Mike: Where're you going? Kenny!

Kenny: Sarita!

Me: Kenny!

Kenny comes over and kills the walkers attacking Sarita with his crowbar. Sarita falls to the ground as Kenny kneels down next to her as Mike comes up next to me and Clementine looks at me with horror.

Kenny: No! You can't die. I won't LET you die.

Mike: We have to move! There's too many...

Sarita continues to cry in pain as Mike starts killing all approaching walkers.

Kenny: Come on, babe.

Mike: Kenny!

Kenny: What happened to your arm?

Clem: (Y/N), cut it off.

As soon as she said that Kenny glared at me with rage.

Me: Kenny! We have to go! Come on!

Kenny: Get the FUCK away from us, (Y/N). This is your goddamn fault.

He looks back down at Sarita.

Kenny: It isn't gonna go like this.

Mike: Kenny!

Sarita stops crying indicating that she's dead.

Kenny: I won't be left alone again. We're gonna leave. We're gonna get out of this.

Mile: Kenny!

I hear Sarita start moaning like a walker.

Kenny: I don't care what these fuckers are saying, you're gonna be FINE.

I realised something, I have no other choice. I raise my hatchet into the air and slam it down into Sarita's brain, preventing her from turning.


Clem: (Y/N), what the fuck have you done?

Kenny looks up at me.

Kenny: What the fuck did you do?

Me: I'm sorry. I had to do it. I don't want to lose you. Please, Kenny.

Kenny: You stupid FUCKING kid.

Mike: Kenny! Dammit, man. Come on!

Mike takes Kenny away from Sarita and start running, Clementine follows behind them.

Kenny: This is on your head, (Y/N).

I try and catch up to them only to be corned by walkers, one walker tries to get close to me but I cut it's arm off, it tries to grab me but I move out of the way.

Luke: I'm goin' after Sarah!

I see Luke and Nick running, while they're running Nick gets shot in the shoulder. I look around me and see walkers everywhere. I start walking through the horde of walkers as quietly as I can. Someone then grabs me out of nowhere as I begin to struggle.

Rebecca: Stop.

It was Rebecca! She lets go of me as I turn to look at her.

Rebecca: Thank god.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now