Chapter 86: Fault

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(Y/N)'s POV: ( Winning Choice: Fight Back )

Just as Andy was about to rip one of my teeth out, I immediately bring my knee up and slam it straight into Andy's balls. He groans in pain and drops the wire cutter, the soldiers, which were distracted by my action, were elbowed back by me as I quickly grab the wire cutter off the ground and slit ones throat with it.

Andy: *aggressive* You... little...

I grab a gun and shoot a solider just before he is able to shoot me, I then turn my attention to Andy, who takes out his own gun and swiftly shoots my knee. I fall to the ground in pain as Andy approaches.

Andy: I must admit, that was a good try. But now I'm afraid--

I stab his knees with the wire cutters, he screams out in pain as he attempts to shoot me, which I dodge and quickly run off out of the building. My knee is killing me. But I keep pushing myself forward. I spot a hole and roll into it, I hear Andy yelling out but I'm not sure what. I walk through a tunnel until I eventually get outside, the night sky illuminating over the place. I look around the area and realise, I'm now outside of Richmond. I escaped. I hold my knee and begin walking into the distance.

After traveling a good distance, I immediately slump down against a warehouse of sorts and take some breathes. I look at my gunshot wound, which is now bleeding everywhere. But, there is nothing I can do to heal it.

This might be the end...

(Y/N): *weakly* I... I'm sorry, Clem...

I then close my eyes...


3rd Person POV: ( Location: Richmond )

Javi, Tripp, Uriel and Jesus are escorted out of the gate, one of the soldiers pushes Tripp forward. The group of four turn to them.

Tripp: You're lucky I don't gouge your fucking eyes out with my thumbs. You hear me asshole?!

Ava can then be seen running out of the gate with a bag and getting in front of the group, she looks at them for a moment before dropping the bag.

Ava: David packed this.

Javi: He did? They said--

Ava: Start walking. *starts walking away*

Tripp: *walking to her* What about Eleanor?

Ava responds by turning around and shoving Tripp back.

Ava: Walk.

Tripp: Eat shit, answer my fucking question.

Tripp attempts to move forward, but Javi holds him in place. Ava gets into a defensive stance just in case.

Tripp: Goddamnit, Javi!

Uriel: Tripp, calm down!

Tripp: Shut up!

Javi: This isn't her fault, Tripp! You're mad at the wrong person!

Tripp then shoves Javi aside and approaches Ava, the latter then punches him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. Javi, Uriel and Jesus look in shock.

Ava: Do not fuck this up. *walking away again* There's a settlement a few miles west of here. *turning back around as the gate closes in front of her* Don't come back.

The gate then completely closes as Javi looks up at the guards. They point their guns at him. Javi then turns around and offers a hand to Tripp, who just back slaps it away and stands up on his own.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now