Chapter 51: In Harms Way ( Part 2 )

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Our group is all sitting around discussing a plan.

Kenny: 'Cause we all know what happened this morning! I don't know what that sonuvabitch is gonna do next!

Mike: So you wanna ring the dinner bell for a herd of walkers to show up? How is that better?

Kenny: 'Cause this place'll be chaos when that thing hits. No one'll be payin' any attention to us. And that's when we go.

I see Clementine returns as she sits down next to me.

Kenny: That's our opening. We just gotta figure out a way to draw 'em to us.

Rebecca looks at Clementine.

Rebecca: Your friend here wants to get us killed by lurkers before Bill can do it.

Kenny: What is it with you?

Rebecca: That's what it sounds like to me.

Sarita: You know that's not what he's saying, but... it does sound dangerous.

Kenny: This shit is all dangerous!

Clem: Maybe Luke could help us... he's outside. He wants a radio to help keep an eye on the guards.

Rebecca: Thank you! That's the plan I vote for.

Me: Maybe he can...

Clem: You know about Luke?

Mike: He flagged us down when Troy wasn't lookin'. Told us his plan... mentioned he'd talked to you.

Rebecca: If Luke can tell us what's going on with the guards we can use that to pick up a good time to escape.

Sarita: That seems reasonable.

Kenny: Who knows when that'll be. There was a girl back at Crawford that used church bells to send walkers all over the city.

Me: Molly?

Kenny: Yep, I just forgot her name. We just need something really loud.

Sarita: The P.A. system Carver is always using is quite loud.

Mike: There's some speakers outside the building... pointed toward the parking lot. I saw 'em when we were walking out to the work. Troy's always standing next to one of them.

Clem: He's right. I saw them too.

Kenny: Really...

Rebecca: It's all controlled in Bill's office. There's a switch in there that'll turn them on.

Mike: How do you know that?

Rebecca: I used to make a lot of the announcements back in the day... I had it flipped on once... luckily there wasn't much around at the time to hear it. It was plenty loud though.

Kenny: That's perfect! We just gotta get into his office. Why didn't you say something sooner?

Rebecca: 'Cause it doesn't change anything. This isn't a discussion about how to do it, it's a discussion about whether it's stupid. And it's still stupid. The sensible thing is to get Luke the radio and wait for an opening.

Kenny: You're real difficult to deal with sometimes.

Sarita: Kenny...

Rebecca: No, that's all right. You ain't exactly a peach either.

Clem: Why can't we do both? Even if we bring the herd to us it's probably good for Luke to be able to tell us where they're coming from.

Kenny: You know what? Fine. I can get behind that. Okay, so we get that turd a radio, he keeps us posted on the herd's movement. We fire up the PA thing and bring the walkers to roll over this place.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now