Chapter 98: Hunting & Fishing

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(Y/n)'s POV: ( Location: The Hunting Grounds )

Aasim: Hunting grounds are usually clear of walkers. Sometimes they get caught in the snares and shit, though. You see a ribbon on a tree, traps are nearby.

I look over to spot a ribbon on a tree, with a trap below it.

Aasim: So watch where you step.

Louis: *scoffs* Please. I think I can handle myself. I'm basically a ninja. Skilled in the craft of martial arts.

Me: Umm, Aasim, is he always like this?

Louis: Like this? You mean... awesome?

Aasim: *to me* Unfortunately.

Louis: Hey!

Aasim: We've got work to do. Not all of us have the privilege of being Marlon's lap dog.

Louis: Oh, ouch! Someone's a little jealous... In my defence, I totally get things done. I just prefer to think of survival as more of a... day-to-day task. So, you know -- don't sweat the technique.

Me: And everyone else? Cause working as a team gets things done faster.

Louis: I mean, sure, yeah, sometimes.

Aasim: You act like you're the only one with a strategy. I play the long game. You've gotta have plans B, C and D. *I begin to hear walkers groaning*

Louis: And what if you don't make it that far?

Me: Everyone, be quiet.

We all stop and listen around us, we wear a walker coming from a certain distance, so we all take out our weapons and approach slowly. It turns out that a walker is being hanged upside down with a rope attached to its legs. We all approach as it groans and tries to reach us.

Louis: Hah! Hey, check this guy out. He's like a walker piñata! *pokes the walker with Chairles*

Aasim: Cut it down, fix the snare, and let's go.

Louis: I will, I will! Eventually.

Aasim: *to me* If you want food for the kid and Clementine, I could use a hand. Or you can mess around with this idiot and starve. It's up to you. *walks off*

Louis: "Or you can starve." So dramatic. *to me, offering Chairles* Wanna take a swing? It won't bite... Well, that guy would, but the bat won't. You know what I mean? You get it.

Me: Yeah... I think I'm good.

Louis: Is this because of last night? Look, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to ask her.

Me: Still, though...

Louis: Please. If you want, you can pretend I'm the walker. Wait! Not me. Pretend I'm the walker that's tied up. That'll make you feel better, I promise.

Me: *sighs* Fine. One swing. *I take Chairles*

Louis: Now that's what I'm talking about! I'm still really sorry, though.

Me: It's fine.

Louis: Good! Now, I know you have a little crush on Clementine.

Me: *blushing* What?!

Louis: Blushhhhing! I knew it! Don't worry, man. I'm a ladies man, and can help you win her over.

Me: You said you never had a girlfriend last night.

Louis: ...Still. Okay, you know what. Let's just bat the walker.

I approach the upside-down walker and hit it, blood spews out.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now