Chapter 11: The Brothers

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Y/N's POV:

Clementine: "Hey, Y/N. What do you think of my drawing?"

I look at her drawing and smile.

Me: "It look's amazing Clem!"

She smiles back at me but then we heard screaming. Everyone got up and Katjaa was getting pulled by a walker as Lee managed to push her and then yell out!

Lee: "The Axe! Hurry!!"

The walker then pulled Lee towards him as I froze at the sight, I had to find a weapon. I then see Mark with Lee's axe attempt to kill it, but he missed causing it to get stuck in the window. Lee kicked it and began to move away as it got on top of him. He then put his thumbs into it's eyes as I then see Carley shoot it's head! Lee then pushed it off of him. Everyone then walked over to Lee.

Larry: "Why'd ya bring him here in the first place, asshole?!"

Lilly: "Dad! Calm down."

Larry: "You're gonna get us ALL killed!"

Y/S/N: "Y/N, are you ok?"

My sister hugged me as I began to cry, thinking what would of happened if the thing killed Lee!

Kenny: "YOU said he wasn't bitten!"

Ben: "What?"

Kenny: "We asked you, point blank, 'Was he bitten?' And you said 'No."

Ben: "He wasn't!"

Kenny: "Well your 'not-bitten' friend here came back to life and tried to kill my wife!"

Ben: "What?!! Wait, y'all don't know?"

Kenny: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Y/S/N: "Yea, what the fuck do you mean?"

Ben: "It's not the bite that does it!"

Everyone then looked in surprise.

Ben: "You come back no matter how you die. If you don't destroy the brain, that's just what happens. It's gonna happen to ALL of us."

Lee: "We're all infected? Everyone?"

Ben: "I-I guess so. I don't know... All I know is that I've seen people turn who I KNOW were never bitten."

Y/S/N: "So what I'm getting at is, the bite is just a one shot kill."

Ben: "Yeah, think of the bite as a venom of some sort that kills you in a few hours."

Y/S/N: "How did you find out?"

Ben: "When I first saw it happen, we were all hiding out in a gym and everybody thought we were finally safe. But one of the girls, Jenny Pitcher I think, I guess she couldn't take it. She took some pills. A lot of them. Someone went in the girls' room the next morning and... God..."

Carley: "Back off!"

We heard Carley yell as we all turned to see her aiming her pistol at two people.

Stranger 1: "Woah, lady, relax! Me and my brother, we... we just want to know if ya'll can help us out."

Carley: "I said back off!"

Lee's POV:

Lilly: "Carley."

Me: "We don't want any trouble."

Stranger 1: "Of course. Neither do we. I'm Andy St. John. This here's my brother Dan. We're just out looking for gasoline. Looks like you folks got the mote locked down, which is fine, but if you could spare any gas we'd be much obliged."

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now