Chapter 45: On The Move

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Me and Clementine are walking with the cabin group as Luke slows down to talk to Clementine.

Luke: Now, you said it was just up here?

Clem: Yeah. Just a little ways.

Rebecca walks up to us.

Rebecca: Hey, you two... Sorry if I gave you both some shit back there. I'm just a little on edge. It's just a tough time right now, with the pregnancy and all. You two and Alvin can probably relate.

Clem: It's okay.

Rebecca: If it's not one of you I'm yellin' at lately, it's Alvin, and then I'm in real trouble.

Clem: We can handle it. We're not little kids.

Rebecca: I felt the same way when I was your age. My dad was always givin' me shit, and I always thought he didn't know a damn thing.

She turns to look at me.

Rebecca: I know you did your best back there. You know, none of us would make it on our own. Sometimes it's hard knowing just how dependent I am on everyone. I'm not used to that. I'm not comfortable with that. I'm supposed to be a mom soon. Guess I need to work on my patience. Alvin and I still don't know what to call her. Or him, if that man gets his wish, god help me. Any ideas?

Clementine walks off as I look at her in confusion.

Rebecca: Clem?

We spot a van.

Clem: There. That's where we were...

Nick opens the van and checks.

Nick: He's not in here!

Clem: This was the last place I saw him.

Alvin: Maybe he's around here somewhere.

We all start looking around.

Carlos: Keep your eyes open. And stay in sight.

I spot a bloody trail so I follow it and... there lies Pete. With a bullet hole in his head and lungs appearing out of his chest.

Everyone walks up and see him.

Nick: Oh my god. What happened? What the hell happened?

Carlos: He's been shot.

Clem: He didn't have a gun. Who did this?

Luke hugs Nick.

Alvin: Son of a bitch...

Carlos: We need to go.

We all start moving as Nick just stares at his deceased uncles corpse.

Luke: He's gone, Nick. He-- He's gone. We gotta get movin'. Come on, man.

Luke and Nick continue to follow us as they catch up.

Clementine's POV:

(Y/N) moves ahead of me as Nick comes up to me.

Nick: Tell me. Tell me how it happened.

Me: He saved my life.

Luke: Well, that was... that was Pete.

Me: I'm sorry.

Nick begins to slow down and starts walking slowly.

Luke: I'm worried about that kid. Keep an eye on him for me, would you? You... sure you still wanna come with us? Look, I know we got off to a rough start. And I can't make any promises it won't get rougher.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now