Chapter 29: Crawford Planning

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I wake up and notice Lee and Clementine come inside, as I get up they both notice me as Clementine runs over and hugs me.

Clementine: I...I thought you were gone...

She was crying as I felt myself blush. Lee watched as he smiled, noticing I was blushing. We pull away.

Me: You... you don't hate me? But I beated up Ben.

Clem stares into my eyes.

Clementine: You didn't mean it.

I smile as she smiles back, just then a woman came downstairs.

Me: Who's that?

Lee: This is Molly.

Molly waves at me as I wave back. I notice Ben looking out a window, Lee looks at me. I think he wants me to apologise. I walk up to Ben and tap his shoulder, he turns around frightened at me.

Me: I'm... sorry, it wasn't your fault it was Lilly's.

He then changed from being afraid to smiling.

Ben: Thanks... I'm so sorry. I'll try and make it up to you, I promise.

I smile back and head back over to Lee, Clem and Molly who watched.

Me: Where's Kenny?

Lee: He's working on a boat outside.

My eyes widened when he said boat, I see Christa sitting on the couch as I look at a man tied up.

Lee: And... that's Tony. A guy who Kenny came across, let's go speak to him.

I nodded as we approach him.

Tony: Oh... hi kid.

Me: Hi, are you dangerous?

Tony: No, I'm not.

Lee: So are you the guy on the radio?

Tony: No, radios are still a thing?

I look at Lee.

Lee: You're telling the truth, you don't sound even a little bit like him.

Tony: See, me and my group came here in search for a boat. We got separated and I'm worried to shit.

Lee: (Y/N), I'm going to have a few more questions with him, why don't you go and talk to Clem.

He winks at me as I blush and head to Clementine.

Me: Hey... Clem.

Clementine's POV:

I hear someone say my name as I turn to see (Y/N)!

Me: Hello.

I smile as he sits next to me.

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Me: You already said sorry?

(Y/N): Yeah about Ben. But I didn't say sorry about... running away.

He looks down at the floor.

Me: Your back and not hurt. So apology accepted.

He looks back up and smiles at me as I feel butterflies in my stomach. We notice Vernon come down the stairs as Lee walks up to us.

Lee: Why don't you two keep an eye on Omid?

Me: Okay.

I grab (Y/N)'s hand as we go upstairs into where Omid is.

Lee's POV:

Once (Y/N) and Clementine are upstairs, Vernon sits down as I pace around waiting for Kenny.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now