Chapter 56: Trailer Park

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(Y/N)'s POV:

We run over to the trailer park, there are two dead walkers lying on the ground.

Jane: Bet these walkers got some good stuff...

She said moving towards one. She stabs the one she is at in the head with a screwdriver.

Me: They're... just walkers. Why would they have anything?

Jane: Well, pretty recently, they weren't walkers, were they?

She moved to the next one.

Jane: Take a look.

She kneels next to the other one.

Jane: Old walkers are a waste of time. They're holding credit cards and busted old papers. But these ones weren't walkers all that long ago. They were survivors. They might have useful stuff.

I kneel down to the one Jane was at earlier while she stabs the already dead walker in the head.

Jane: That one's not coming back. See what else he's got. I'll check this one.

I search the first pocket and find two bullets.

Jane: Hold on to them. Ammo's getting hard to come by, and things aren't going to get better.

I put the ammo in my pockets as I search the other pocket. This time it's two driving licenses.

Jane: Find anything?

Me: Drivers' licenses. Two of them.

Jane: Well I guess some people just can't leave the past behind.

I search the last pocket... nothing. I look up and see Jane looking at me.

Jane: So... has your crew always been so dysfunctional? You fit in there. But you aren't like them.

Me: I was with a different group before. That one worked better... I think.

She nods.

Me: Well, that's it.

She stands up with something in her hand.

Jane: A nail file. These things are great. Sharpen a blade, strike a flint... Jaime always had one in her purse. It'd jab my hand when I went reaching in...

She sighs as she puts the nail file in her pockets. We then walk up to another dead walker and she stabs it's head again.

Jane: You can never be too sure with these things.

Me: I guess...

Jane: Gimme a hand.

Me and Jane roll the walker over and underneath is... Sarah's glasses, I pick them up.

Me: These glasses, they're Sarah's!

I put the glasses in my pocket.

Jane: Looks like your friend didn't make it. Sorry.

Me: All we know is that she was here. It could be a good sign.

Jane: Don't go getting your hopes up. Look, (Y/N). I know what you want me to say, but...

She was cut off by yelling coming from the trailer park.

Sarah: GET OFF!

Luke: Sarah... God dammit!

Jane: Shit. Okay, come on. We gotta find a way in.

She looks through the gate.

Jane: Looks like there's an opening over there.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now