Chapter 82: Manipulation

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3rd Person POV: ( Location: Train Tunnels )

The group is currently walking through an abandoned train tunnel.

Jesus: These tunnels were abandoned decades ago. But I've heard you can get through... here's hoping.

Clem then taps on Javi's shoulder to get his attention, he turns around to face her.

Clem: Javi, I need to talk to you.

Javi: About?

Clem: Look, I should have told you this earlier, but there hasn't been a right time. It's about the New Frontier. I've... I've met them before.

Javi: Yeah, didn't they steal AJ?

Clem: That's... Both true and false.

Javi: What do you mean?

Javi looks forward, Conrad is seen looking behind his back toward them before turning back around. Javi shrugs it off and looks back at Clementine.

Clem: *rolls up her sleeve to show Javi the tattoo* I was one of them.

She quickly rolls her sleeve back down as Javi's eyes widen.

Clem: I should have told you sooner. I... I really should have.

Javi: You were with those monsters?!

Clem: They're not... all... like that. I'm not asking you to forgive me... But you have to understand... I had... nobody but AJ. And they had food. Supplies. Me and AJ were all alone, Javi. You don't know what that's like.

They then pass a corner, Conrad turns his back to continue walking as the group goes through a hole. Clem and Javi both stop and turn to each other.

Clem: It was a mistake.

Javi: Tell me you're not still one of them.

Clem: No way. Believe me. I just had to explain, because if they're really in control in Richmond, I can't let them see me. I just... can't. So when we reach the other side of this tunnel, I'm leaving.

Javi: Why... Why me? Why didn't you choose to tell, (Y/N)?

Clem: The New Frontier killed Kenny, and he said that he would hunt EVERY single person in the New Frontier and kill them. I'm... I'm scared of him.

Javi: Well, if you're going to leave. I think you should tell him. I'm certain he'll forgive you.

Conrad: *speaking, a little coldly* Y'all planning on joining us?

Tripp: *turns to Conrad* Shhh...

Javi and Clem catch up with the group.

Tripp: You all hear that?

Uriel: Yeah. Yeah I do.

Javi: Coming from over there.

Jesus: Can you see anything?

Javi aims his flashlight toward the pitch black area, only for walkers to be seen, one rises up in front of him.

Gabe: They're everywhere!

They then all turn to see walkers approaching from behind as well.

Tripp: Fuck, they are! Keep sharp!

Ivan: Let's play, "Who's the hottest walker".

(Y/N): Shut up!

Jesus: *to Javi* Watch out!

Javi moves out of the way of a walker that was behind him. He then slams it's skull with the flashlight twice. The second hit breaks the skull and kills the walker.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now