Chapter 59: Russian Ambush

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Clem's POV:

Gunshots... that's all that can be heard. I fall on the ground, laying the in the snow. I see Arvo trying to wake up his sister with chest compressions.

Mike: Shit. I'm hit. I'm hit!

Bonnie: Mike, get over here!

Arvo: <Speaking Sadly in Russian>

Jack: Motherfuckers, YOUR ALL DEAD!

I turn to see Luke firing at them, he spots me.

Luke: Clem!

A Russian shoots at him forcing him to duck behind his cover. I turn and see one of the Russians on the floor with blood pouring out of his leg, but he's still shooting at us.

Injured Russian: <Speaking Russian>

I look over and spot Mason go behind a tree as Kenny starts shooting at the uninjured Russian.

Kenny: Fuck you! You started this shit!

Russian: <Speaking Russian> *Shooting Back at Kenny*

Baby: *Crying*

I look over and spot Rebecca's baby lying in the snow.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I'm currently behind cover with Jack and Luke.

Jack: Shit! This is a fuckin' mess!

Luke: You can say that again!

I peak out of my cover and spot Clementine.


I notice her crawling towards the baby.

Me: I'll cover you!

I start shooting at the Russians as they take cover, allowing Clem to grab the baby and rush into another side of cover to the left of us.

Mason: JACK!

Jack: Shit, Mason!

He turns to me.

Jack: Stay with Clem and Luke, I'll help my brother.

I nod as he starts shooting at them, he manages to get to Mason and join him in cover. I look at Luke.

Me: What's the plan here?

Luke: Shit. Okay... okay, we gotta do somethin' y'all. We're pinned down here. We can't just... sit here and let this guy take potshots at us 'til he runs outta ammo.

Clem: Just stay down... you're gonna get your head blown off.

Luke: We can't just sit here.

I then hear Kenny speaking at the uninjured Russian.

Kenny: This don't have to get any worse than it already is! You can just go!

Russian: <Speaking Russian>

Kenny: English, motherfucker!

Russian: I kill every one of you!

Luke: If I can just get over to that side of the wall. *he said referring to the cover Clem's behind* I could maybe get an angle on this guy. Cover me kids, all right? Just shoot over towards the woods.

Clem: No! Just stay behind cover.

I look at my gun, I have no ammo left, just then I spot Sarah in cover with a gun in hand.


She turns to me.

Sarah: Yeah?

Me: I need you to shoot into the woods as cover for Luke.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now