Chapter 97: Colours

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(Y/n)'s POV: ( Location: Ericson's )

Clementine, with a candle in one hand, opens the door to our dorm. She lets me and AJ inside first before stepping in and closing the door behind her. AJ looks around the room before looking at the closest and pointing at it.

AJ: We could hide in there. If a monster came.

Clem: *chuckles* Don't think we'll have to.

AJ: Oh. Well, in case we do.

Clementine then sets the candle down on a table, then proceeding to take her hat off and place it on the bedside table. I take off Kenny's hat and (W/n) as well and place them at the bedside table next to Clementine's hat.

AJ: This box has so many colours.

Me: What box?

AJ: This one.

Me and Clem look over to see AJ looking inside of a colouring box.

Clem: Well, must have been an artist living in here.

AJ: What's an artist?

Me: Oh, right. We didn't teach you. Well, it's basically a person who colours a lot. Y'know, draws, does pictures. Those sort of things.

AJ: *sitting on a chair* You mean like Tenn?

Me: Yeah, like Tenn.

AJ: Huh. I like to do pictures, too.

Me: Can't wait to see what you make.

Clementine smiles at this, but then the door starts to creek open. Me and Clem turn to see Violet enter the room.

Violet: Oh. Shit. I-I didn't know Marlon set you up in this room. *enters the room and closes the door behind her* I just wanted to grab something. From the closet. *looking inside the closet, sighing* Where the hell is it? *turns to see the colouring box AJ has* Oh.

Clem: What?

Violet: *points at the colouring box* That's what I was looking for. It belonged to Sophie.

Me: Tenn's sister?

Violet: Yeah. He was asking for more art supplies and stuff, so I was going to...

Clem: Oh! Sorry, we didn't know.

Violet: No, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Honestly, it's just been sitting in here for the past year and no one's touched it. If AJ wants to play with it. It's... it's fine.

AJ does the puppy eyes to me and Clementine. I try and resist while Clem, being an active user of it, is immune to it. She luckily says something.

Clem: You should probably give the box back. It doesn't belong to us.

AJ sadly nods.

Violet: Thanks, buddy. It's just that Tenn wanted it, since it was his sister's and all.

AJ: *sadly* It's okay.

Violet: You can finish your drawing though. I don't mind.

This gets AJ slightly more cheerful, he goes back to his drawing.

Violet: *looks around the room, to spot the hats and my machete at the bedside table* Huh, I see you're all um... settling in.

Clem: Yeah. Is that okay?

Violet: Sure. I guess.

Me: You don't seem that cheery.

Violet: I know, it's just... I always liked this room. Sophie had, like, paintings and shit on the walls. Lots of colour. And Minerva... she was really musical. Not like Louis, though... she had actual talent.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now