Chapter 78: The Junkyard

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(Y/N)'s POV: ( Location: Truck )

Me and Clementine were sitting at the furthest seat at the back next to eachother, in front of us is Uriel and Javi. Whilst Tripp is driving. I notice Clem looking a bit saddened about something. Before I was able to say anything, Javi speaks up.

Javi: Hey, Clem... we almost there? *she doesn't respond* Hey, Clem?

Clem: *snaps out of her trench and looks at Javi* Yeah. We're close.

Uriel: Alright, sweet.

Tripp: *to Javi* Eleanor asked me to make sure you find your people. So. I'm gonna honor that and make sure the shit gets done. But why she was so quick to go to bat for you, I got zero idea. I mean, she hardly even knows you. And you don't know her, for that matter.

Javi: Hey, I didn't ask her to. She did that all on her own.

Tripp: Yeah, well, I guess she's got her reasons for things, but I never can quite figure what they are. And why do we need to bring mister armor boy.

Me: Yeah yeah, fuck you too.

Tripp: Well, fuck you three.

Uriel: Ha, you both remind me of my grandmother.

Tripp: Fuck off. Also, I don't even know why you also let Javi out or listened to this crazy stranger.

Uriel: Perhaps I see people for their positives rather than their flaws.

Clem then looks out the window, I also follow to see we're approaching the junkyard.

Clem: Guys. That's the place.

( Location: C&C Junkyard )

The truck then comes to a stop.

Javi: Oh, shit...

We then all get out of the truck, we then notice the junkyard has been screwed up a bit, a few dead walkers lying in rubble as well.

Tripp: What a mess...

We all draw our weapons out. Javi and Clem pull out a pistol, Tripp a AK, I pull out (W/N), Uriel pulls out a pistol with a silencer.

Clem: Jesus, must have been hundreds of them...

Javi: Kate's good in a crisis, she'd know how to get shelter.

Clem: *notices something* What's that?

Javi then looks over to see a cassette player and a pickaxe. He picks them both up, and puts the pickaxe away as he inspects the cassette player closely.

Javi: Mariana's tape player...

Uriel: She must be around here then.

Javi: Mariana! Mariana, are you here?

Just then, we hear some sort of car door open.

???: Javi!

Javi: *turns to the voice* Oh my god!

A girl then runs up to Javi and hugs him tight, Javi hugs back.

Javi: You're safe... I can't believe it!

Mariana: You told me where to hide: I just listened to what you said. "Lock yourself in and don't come out, not even once it's quiet." It kept running through my head, like on a loop.

Javi: *they stop hugging* Did they hurt you? Are you okay?

Javi begins checking to make sure she isn't hurt.

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