Chapter 108: The Raid

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3rd Person POV:

(Y/n): So, after weeks now they decide to show up. Just great.

Clem: Yeah. Please, be careful though.

(Y/n), Clementine, and AJ all walk up to everyone.

Aasim: We're ready.

Clem: They've got at least four more people, all carrying guns. And carts, probably to carry people away.

Willy: Oh, no.

Mitch: *scoffs* Assholes.

Ruby: I can't believe they're really here.

(Y/n): Is... Lilly, with them?

Clem: Didn't get a good enough look.

(Y/n): ...Okay.

Clem: If they get inside, (Y/n) will keep them focused. That should give Willy and Mitch time to set up the bomb.

Mitch: I'll set it under those carts. It'll work. I promise.

Clem: If they manage to get in, we fall back.

Louis: To the admin building.

Clem: Exactly. Right into our traps.

Aasim: They're in for a rude fuckin' surprise. Those duffel bags will break bones, easy.

Louis: So, uh, any final words of wisdom?

Sapphire: Final words of wisdom?

Louis: Yeah, just in case.

Clem: We're gonna make those assholes regret-


Just before finishing her sentence, a gunshot rings out as Omar falls to the ground holding his shot leg. Everyone slurs out different words of panic and shock as Clementine immediately yells...

Clem: Hide! Now!

Violet: Omar!

(Y/n): I'll drag him! Clem, AJ, go somewhere to hide!

Clem: Got it!

Clementine takes AJ to go somewhere as (Y/n) drags Omar into cover.

???: Come on! Push!

The gate which was barricaded begun to shake, as something rams into it over and over. That's when the one person (Y/n) didn't want to hear made herself present.

Lilly: (Y/n)?! Clementine?! I know you're in there!

(Y/n) immediately feels a rush of rage build up in him.

Abel: Open up, kids.

A molotov cocktail is then thrown from the other side of the gate, which begins burning the barricade.

Abel: This doesn't have to get any uglier.

(Y/n): *turning to see his bow* My bow...

Omar: Go, go. I-I'll be all right.

(Y/n): But, Omar—

Omar: You don't have much time. Go!

(Y/n) then rushes over to grab the bow and take cover, a sniper shot barely missing him. The gate then bursts open as Lilly and her crew enter Ericson's. (Y/n) growls at the sight of Lilly, then he hears Omar's struggles.

(Y/n): It'll be okay. Just be careful to not move or make too much noise, understood? *Omar nods*

They begin walking past the walker heads on poles.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now