Chapter 12: The St. John Dairy

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Lee's POV:

Andy: "Here it is. St. John's family dairy. It ain't much, but it's kept us safe so far."

We then spot the electric fence.

Andy: "Ya'll can see how we've kept this place so safe."

Mark: "The fence keeps them out?"

Andy: "You betcha. They fry like bugs in a zapper. We're pushing 4000 volts through that thing, with generators and amps."

Carley: "I'm going to assume that's a lot."

Me: "Ever have any accidents?"

Danny: "Nah."

Andy: "It's safer here than out there."

Carley: "This place looks untouched! You'd never know the rest of world is in ruins."

Andy: "It's worth protecting, hence all the juice."

I then spot what looks like an old woman approach us with a basket.

Old Woman: "I thought I saw ya'll with company comin' down the drive!"

Andy: "Guys, this is our mama."

Old Woman: "I'm Brenda St. John and welcome to the St. John Dairy!"

Andy: "This here's Lee. He's from Macon."

Brenda: "A couple of our old farm hands were from Macon. They grow 'em good there."

Danny: "They've got a few more friends staying at the old motel."

Brenda: "Oh my goodness, that place is pretty vulnerable. Have you got someone with survival experience to lead your group?"

Me: "Lilly. She's tough as nails and keeps us focused on what it takes to survive."

Mark: "Lilly was in the military, like me."

Brenda: "Well, that's good to hear. That motel ain't the safest place. Now that y'all are here, we'll make sure you're safe and comfortable."

Me: "We're awful hungry."

She then shows her basket.

Brenda: "These are for ya'll. Baked fresh this morning."

Carley: "Amazing!"

Danny: "Can't get stuff like that anymore, not without a cow for milk and butter, that's for sure."

Brenda: "That's right. Hopefully Maybelle will make it through this bout of whatever she's got and be with us for a good-long while."

Me: "Your cow is sick? What's she..."

Mark: "We have a vet! We could bring her here! We can help you folks out."

Brenda: "A vet! Oh, my! Our prayers have been answered!"

Mark: "Maybe our whole GROUP could come... for the day..."

Brenda: "Well how about this, ya'll go get your veterinary friend, and I prepare some dinner. A big feast for all you hungry souls. It'll be nice to have some folks to help out around here again. Danny, why don't you come help me out in the kitchen."

Brenda and Danny then walk to the house.

Carley: "Why don't I head back with the food and round up everyone for the trip over here."

Andy: "You might wanna take someone with you. Remember, those roads can be dangerous."

Carley: "I can handle myself."

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