Chapter 95: Ericson's

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Clementine's POV: ( Location: ??? )

I breath softly as I open my eyes. I realise I'm in a room of some sort, but my thoughts quickly change when I notice two people who are nowhere to be found.

Me: AJ! (Y/n)!

I try to sit up, but I'm tied to a bed, I look at my tied-up hand and notice it's just tape. So I unwrap it to set my hand free, I get up.

Me: What is this place?

I walk around and notice medical supplies on a desk, I raise my hand to feel my head to realise it's been patched up. I then open a drawer to see a notepad with the title: "memories" on it. I pick it up and look at the photos inside. It's a photo of what looks like 2 sisters, and one brother all smiling. Another side has the two sisters but this time with another girl, "B.F.F.S" is written on that side. I put the notepad back and close the drawer. I then decide to leave, so I walk over to the door to realise its locked from the outside.

Me: Shit.

I then spot a dresser to which I open, I spot a toolbox at the top but I'm too short to reach it. So I grab a nearby chair and place it down, I stand on the chair and grab the toolbox. I set it down on a table and open it, there I find a palette knife.

Me: This'll do.

I walk over and picklock the door with the knife, I successfully open it and take a peak outside before walking out to a hallway. I notice some chalk on a dresser spelling: "fuck you", but I ignore it and continue on. Then, a door opens from the hallway. I quickly hide as footsteps draw closer, a boy around AJ's age with a burn-scar on his right face notices the room I left open. He gasps and takes out a knife. He looks inside the room, I use this as a distraction and rush over, pining him to the wall with a knife at his throat.

Me: Drop the knife. Now. *he gulps in fear*

???: *drawing a bow* How about you do the same?

I turn my head to see someone in the shadows aiming a bow at me.

???: We're not gonna hurt you. We've got your boy and the other guy. They're safe. If you want to see them again, you'll drop that knife. Now. I'm not fucking around.

Knowing they might hurt AJ and (Y/n), I let go of the boy and drop the knife.

Me: Your turn.

???: Good. That's good. *lowers the bow* See? All good here. *putting the bow away as the boy slowly goes over to him* Look, if we wanted to hurt you, we would have by now. Considering the circumstances, I'll let this little standoff slide. But you only get one strike. Now are you gonna behave so I can take you to see your people? Because if you really want to fight... You're a little outnumbered.

Me: Truce. Now please, take me to see them.

???: All right. Since you asked so nicely.

He then walks out from the shadows, he's a boy around my age with a mullet.

Marlon: Sorry about locking the door and tying you to the bed and all. You were in, uh, pretty rough shape when we found you. We had to take precautions. You know, just in case. But you're safe now. So are your friends. I'm Marlon. *to the boy* That's Tennessee. But uh, call him Tenn for short. He's the one been taking care of you. He, uh, doesn't talk much.

Me: Clementine.

Marlon: *nods* Come on. Let's go see your friends.

Marlon then starts walking, I follow behind with Tenn following as well. I then spot (Y/n) near the entrance.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now