Chapter 107: Confession

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You've seen the title... it's finally happening. Get ready to jump out of your seats and pump your fists in the air!

(Y/n)'s POV:

The stars look... incredible. Wow. Here I am, supposed to pay attention to the defences but getting distracted by the bright stars. At least I have this time to myself to sort through things.

Why does Sapphire remind me so much of my sister? She looks completely different but her personality is similar I guess. I mean, (Y/s/n) also teased me about Clementine. And why do her words just, spark truth to them. Like you could never ignore what she said and had to take it to heart. My thoughts continue wondering before I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I thought I said I wanted to be alone.

Clem: Hey, (Y/n).

My head does a full turn, with speed I never thought was possible.

Me: Clem? What are you doing here?

Clem: I... wanted to keep you company. I know you said you wanted to be alone but I know you more than anything. You hate being alone.

Me: What? Not true. Well, sometimes at least, like now. But I don't mind you being here.

Clem: Ah, I see.

She then walks next to me, both of us staring at the stars as the air grows silent. This night reminds me of back when me, Clem, AJ, Luke, Kenny, Jack, and the others were near a campfire. That calm and sort of quiet night.

Clem: I hate it when you are hurting, you know that?

Me: Yeah, yeah. Same for you.

Clem: You get hurt way more than me, though. I mean, you've lost a damn eye.

Me: Okay, why exactly are you bringing this up now?

Clem: We're about to be raided. And I just need you to be careful, especially around Lilly. Just stop getting yourself hurt.

Me: So what? Let them win?

Clem: That's not what I mean. Okay, let's talk about something else then. What do you think you would be doing now if we didn't have to deal with all this. If you're comfortable.

Me: *sighs* Don't know. Would probably be in high school, doing normal things. With friends... and family. What about you?

Clem: Same as you.

Me: ...So, you believe we can do this. Win the raid?

Clem: I thought you didn't want to talk about this.

Me: Never said that.

Clem: Okay. Well, yes. We'll definitely win (Y/n), because you've got my back and I've got yours.

I look at her for a few moments before looking back up at the stars.

Me: Clementine. What are your honest thoughts about me? Things you like about me?

Clem: Well, let's see. You're brave, reliable, strong, badass. Quite a bit more, too.

Me: And... what are things do you not like about me?

Clem: What? (Y/n)...

Me: Please.

Clem: ...What you are doing right now. Not believing in yourself to do good. Always doubting yourself.

Me: What do you expect with the things I've been through. Nothing but pure terror.

Clem: I've been through hardships too, you know? I... shot Lee. And I know you've definitely got it worse, but you need to know you're not alone anymore.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now