Chapter 60: Calm and Quiet Night

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(Y/N)'s POV:

We're all walking through the cold snowy landscape trying to find the place Arvo is talking about and Luke has his hand over Mike's shoulder to help him move. While we're walking Luke all of a sudden yells in pain. Bonnie takes note of this.

Bonnie: Wait up! Wait. We need to stop.

She said turning to look at Luke.

Luke: No! No, I'm... I'm fine, okay? I just need a second. Sorry, I just... I just put more weight on it than I should've.

Kenny: *to Arvo* All right, wait there.

Arvo seemingly ignores Kenny as he slowly keeps moving forward.

Kenny: Hey! What'd I say?

He walks up to Arvo and pushes him onto the cold snowy floor.

Kenny: When I tell you something, you fuckin' listen, you understand?

Mike: *sits Luke on a log* Kenny, come on! There's no need for that.

Kenny: *turns to look at Mike* He's gettin' what he deserves. *turns back to Arvo who's still on the floor* I'm fuckin' talkin' to you. I say stop, you'd best stop. If you know what's good for ya.

Clem: He deserves it.

Mike: He deserves to be treated like a human being. That's all I'm saying.

Jack: *looks at Mike* So does that mean we should've treated Carver like a human being?

Mike: He's different, okay. He's just sacred, Jack.

Jack: Shut up!

Clem: *looks at Mike* After what he did? What happened back there was his fault.

Bonnie: He lost all his people in one fell swoop. Ain't much we could do to him that'd be worse than that. *looks at Kenny* Kenny! Please. Ease up on him.

Jack: If he hadn't told his crew about us they would've still been alive. Including his sister.

Mike: Not cool Jack.

Jack: Shut your motherfuckin' cake hole.

Kenny: *still to Arvo* Just fuckin' stay put.

Jack and Mason then walk up to Kenny.

Mike: *to Bonnie* I'm gonna have a word with Kenny and Jack. They don't have to treat him that way. Kid's been through enough. You all right here?

Bonnie: Yeah, yeah. Go on and talk to him. I got the kids if I need anything.

Mike: Okay.

Bonnie: Here, just take the baby?

Mike: *takes the baby from Bonnie* Okay...

Mike then walks up to the others as Bonnie kneels next to Kenny. I walk over and sit against a rock listening to Luke and Bonnie's conversation.

Bonnie: What is it with you guys?

Luke: What do you mean?

Bonnie: Every man I've known is always tryin' to let each other know how tough they are. Put 'em in their place. *Clem kneels down with them* Buncha dominant, alpha male horse shit. And it all ends the same way.

Jane and Sarah then walk over to the others as Clem puts her hands onto Luke's wound to put some pressure on it.

Clem's POV:

Luke: Don't look at me. I ain't that guy.

Bonnie: Oh, that ain't true. You get into your fair share of pissin' matches, too.

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