Chapter 40: The Shed

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(Y/N)'s POV:

My eyes slowly open as I begin to hear muffled voices around me:

Man: Don't you tell me that! Not with what fuckin' happened.

Woman: Would someone mind telling me what the FUCK is going on here?

Pete: Now hold on, Rebecca.


Man: Shut up girl. And Rebecca we got this, don't worry.

Rebecca: Like hell you do. Did anyone even think to ask where they came from? For all we know they could be working with Carver!

Clem: Who is Carver?

Pete: They already told us that them and their friend were attacked. Then he was bitten by a dog.

Rebecca: What? And you just believed them? You should've put them out of their misery right there. Dog bite my ass.

Clem: It was a dog!!!

Rebecca: Bullshit.


A man then fired a gun right next to me as I felt my ears start to ring.

Older Man: What the...?

Clem: (Y/N)!!!

I see a guy with a hat who pulled the trigger as Clem kneeled down and hugged me. Pete took the gun from the man.

Pete: Keep your finger off the trigger, boy!

I then see Luke run out the front door.

Luke: Whoa! Whoa! What the fuck?!

Rebecca: You idiot! Every lurker for five miles probably heard that!

Man: You're the one tellin' me to fuckin' shoot him!

Older Man: Everybody just calm down for a second!

Luke: (Y/N), Clementine, you two okay...?

Clem helps me stand up.

Me: Just let me go... if you don't want to help me, then... then I'll leave. Look, I'm sorry I bothered you.

Clem: What?! You need help!

Luke: All right, we'll talk about it later. We got a doctor right here, okay. He'll have a look.

Luke turns to the group.

Luke: Now what the hell is wrong with you people?! Okay, they're just scared!

Rebecca: We're all scared, Luke. Don't act like we're the one's being irrational cause we don't buy this bullshit story.

Man: No way they've survived out here on their own! Why are we even arguing about this!?

Doctor: Let me take a look.

Me and Clem look at him as he gets closer to me, he holds his hand out as I look at Luke.

Luke: It's okay. Go ahead. He's a doctor.

I then show him my hand as he also looks at my head.

Older Man: Damn, that must've hurt.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now