Chapter 70: On Alert

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(Y/N)'s POV: ( Flashback )

Me: *out of breath* We've... been.. walking for...days.

Luke: True, but we need to get as far away from Carver as possible.

Carlos: The further we are, the better.

Rebecca: *groans* I'm feeling a little tired.

Carlos: Okay, we'll take some rest then.

We all stop and set up a camp and a campfire as we all sit down. Clem sits next to me.

Clem: Hey, (Y/N)?

Me: Yeah?

Clem: Do you think the world will ever go back to normal?

Me: I...I don't know, maybe. I mean, I have a cure, but there's no guarantee it will ever work. Or if we could ever find someone who knows what they're doing.

Clem: *looks to the ground* I guess...

Me: You okay, Clem?

Clem: *looks back at me* I-I'm just afraid to l-lose you, everyone we used to know has died.

I pull her into hug, she hugs me back as she begins to cry a little.

Me: I'll always be by your side.

Clem: You promise?

Me: I promise.

We pull away from the hug and smile at each other, I wipe the tears off of Clem's face.

Mason's POV:

We then opened the door, and what we saw made our blood run cold.

(Y/N) was tied up all bloody and bruised. He's missing one of his pinkie fingers as well.

Kenny: (Y/N)!!!!!!

Kenny rushes over and unties him. He falls down as Kenny catches him before he hits the ground.

Hershel: Holy shit!!!


Xander: They're... they're just monsters.

Kenny: *tearing up a bit* (Y/N)... (Y/N) can you hear me.

Me: Is... he okay?


Me: Okay... I'm sorry...

Hershel: All that matters right now, is getting him the fuck out of here. Is he alive?

Kenny: *checks his pulse* It's faint.

Me: Well... how are we meant to find a doctor?

Hershel: I know a little bit about that stuff.

Chet: Then Let's get him of here!

Hershel: *turns to Xander* Your welcome to come with us if you want.

Xander: So, either go with you guys, or stay here and continue getting tortured. Not much of a choice. So I'll come.

Christa: All right then. Let's go!

We then all leave the room, with Kenny holding an unconscious (Y/N). We then hear some trucks begin to pull up.

Xander: Shit... they're back.

3rd person POV:

Vernon and Isaac step out of the truck. Some soldiers taking some prisoners out of some cages and leading them someplace else.

Isaac: The mission was a success. Wellington is no more.

Vernon: Three people however, escaped. Clementine, Sarah, and AJ. I want people to set out and search for 'em. Shouldn't be too hard.

Mason and Kenny's eyes widen at the fact that they're okay.

Hershel: *whispering* They're okay!

Chet: *whispering* Let's just get out of here.

Mason: *whispering* Agreed.

They then start creeping away, Kenny still holding (Y/N) in his arms. Vernon and Isaac keep talking.

Vernon: Although they are kids, do not underestimate them. There is a reason they all managed to escape our grasp.

Isaac: The next meeting will be in the afternoon tomorrow. All soldiers who attacked Wellington. If you are injured, make your way to the infirmary. If you're not injured, go get yourselves some much needed sleep. Thank you.

Vernon: *to Isaac* Well said.

Isaac: There's something I need to tell you... in private. Follow me.

Vernon then follows Isaac into his office.

Vernon: So, what did you want to tell me?

Isaac: Some of our men said they shot the girl with glasses. She was with Clem and the baby. When Clem ran off, apparently a boy came over and shot some soldiers dead. We don't know if Sarah will survive the shot however.

Vernon: Interesting... and how's (Y/N)?

Isaac: Our men torture him whenever they please. But they've all recently stopped. Apparently he has lost his sanity.

Vernon: So, we made him insane?

Isaac: Correct.

Vernon: Well then, let's go pay him a visit.

They both then begin walking to the room (Y/N)'s held in, once they got there. They noticed him gone.

Isaac: *looks at Vernon* ALERT EVERYONE NOW!!!

Vernon: Right away sir!

Vernon runs back to Isaac's office, once he's there he turns on the comms.

Vernon: *on comms* Hello everyone. (Y/N) has escaped! I need everyone to guard all exits in case he is still here! If you see him... bring him to me! Vernon out!

Kenny's POV:

Our eyes widen in shock.

Me: Shit...

Christa: Is there a way we can... wait him out? Surely eventually he'll assume he left.

Xander: They'll search every single corner.

Christa: *looks at Xander* You were a prisoner here. Surely that means you will know a good hiding place for--

Vernon: *on comms* I've just gotten info of a certain someone also missing... Xander. A guard that got knocked unconscious by the gate informed me. He also told me that a few other individuals arrived today. He gave me info on what these people looked like. Kenny, Christa, and Xander. Turn yourselves and (Y/N) over and you will all be spared. Don't, and we will kill you all and take (Y/N) back, I won't hesitate.

The comm speakers then turns off.

Me: Shit...

Xander: Well they know we're here.

Mason: So... what do we do now?

Another chapter done. Shorter chapter than usual, but I'm trying to build up to the finale. 940 words.

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