Chapter 30: Crawford ( Part 1 )

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(Y/N)'s POV:

A bit after Lee left, Clem went upstairs as I go to Tony and try to get to know him.

Tony: So... (Y/N) was it?

I nod as I look at him.

Tony: Honestly, I'm no threat. Please let me go.

Me: We can't take a chance.

Tony: Oh but you'll.

I look at him confused.

Tony: You see theres this place nearby that me and my crew agreed to go if we ever got lost.

Me: Well when you lost them why didn't you go there?

Tony: Because a bell tower attracted a fuck-ton of walkers over there, so I went to River Street to wait until the horde moves and that's when all of your friends find me.

Me: Let me ask you a question.

Tony: Sure.

Me: So how do YOU know about Crawford?

He stares at me for a second not replying until he finally spoke.

Tony: We met someone on the way here, he was creepy. He told us what Crawford was and freaked all of us out!

Me: Okay...

Tony: Look, I just need to look for my group. Let me go and if you want you could come with me?

Me: No. Not leaving Lee or Clem, besides why should I?

Tony: Because I'm not a bad person. But suit yourself.

Lee's POV:

We all entered the sewers as Christa approaches next to me.

Christa: I talked to (Y/N) about his family.

I look at her.

Me: How'd it go?

Christa: A mix between good and bad. He didn't handle it well at all but good because he said he'd try and stay happy for his family.

Me: That's good. However trying to stay happy in a world like this is extremely difficult.

Christa: True, but he seems to be happy when around you and Clementine.

Me: You know, between you and me. I think they like eachother.

Christa: Oh, I'm not surprised it's very easy to tell. Besides I ship it.

Kenny: What ship? We're in a sewer.

Me: We are just shipping Clem and (Y/N).

Kenny: Ohhhhhhh. I SHIP it as well.

Christa: Why do you love boats so much.

Kenny: Honestly, I'm a god when it comes to boats.

Christa: Ha, sure you are.

We then approach a ladder.

Vernon: This should be it. We're underneath the center of Crawford, the old school should be directly above us.

Me: Okay people, this is it. Remember the plan. We stay quiet, we stay hidden, and we stay together. We find what we need and we get the hell out before anyone even knows we're there. Got it?

Everyone nods as I'm the first to walk up and take the manhole off, I peak up and the coast is clear.

Me: Let's go.

I enter Crawford as we all crouch against a wall.

Vernon: Where is everybody? There should be guards patrolling.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now