Chapter 50: In Harms Way ( Part 1 )

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Me and Clementine enter the greenhouse as Tavia goes to get Reggie. Me and Clem hear crying as we look over and see Sarah cuddled up into a ball shaking.

Clem: Hey...

She said approaching her, I follow.

Me: Are you okay?

She doesn't respond.

Me: I know it's... it's gotta be hard.

Sarah: My dad's never hit me before... even when I was really bad... he never hit me.

Clem: He didn't want to do it, Sarah. Carver made him. He's the bad guy, not your dad.

Me: Yeah, so in a weird way, Carver's the one that hit you... not your dad.

Sarah: I guess so... well, then Carver hit me super hard, cause it still hurts like crazy.

Clem: Yeah. It looked like it.

Sarah: Thanks... you two for trying to help... I don't know why people have to be so mean... even when I'm really mad, I still don't want to hurt anyone...

Me: Oh, Clem.

Clem: Yea?

Me: You look cute in that jacket.

She then blushes.

Clem: Shut up.

We then hear the greenhouse door open as we look over and see Reggie enter.

Tavia: Don't mess this up.

Reggie: Yeah, I get it.

Tavia: Reggie's in charge here, okay? Listen to him carefully.

Reggie: Yep. No problem, Tavia.

Tavia shuts the door as Reggie turns to us.

Reggie: Okay, we gotta do a good job, guys. The camp is counting on us.

Me and Clem look at Sarah as Reggie goes over to some plants.

Reggie: Come on, I'll show you what to do. It's super easy.

We walk up with him.

Reggie: Oh, and just so you know, Bill yelled at me this morning for what you were doing last night. I'm not mad, but please, please just listen to me today. I'm on like, the thinnest ice with that guy. Pick up a pair of those shears.

We all pick up shears.

Reggie: Okay, so we're picking these berries, right? Just pick them, put them in the basket. Simple. While you're at it, if you see any dead branches, take those shears and cut them off, and stack them neatly for composting. Got it?

Me and Clem nod as we go to our areas. Reggie notices Sarah and walks up to me and Clem.

Reggie: Hey, so... is she gonna be okay? 'Cause what happened down there... that was straight fucked up. I don't want her freaking out and getting me in trouble.

Clem: We'll take care of her... you don't have to worry.

Reggie: Good... good. 'Cause I'm awful at that stuff.

Me: I can tell.

Reggie: Okay, just listen. Bill's had it out for me ever since I helped those guys escape, so I gotta concentrate on my work.

He said patting Clementine's hat. Clem gives him a death stare as I just turn my head slowly to glare at him. Reggie steps back.

Reggie: That was awkward. I won't do that again. I'm gonna go work now.

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