Chapter 105: Comfort

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3rd Person POV:

Clementine, Ruby, and Mitch approach the abandoned Greenhouse. Ruby looking at the place.

Ruby: Guess I didn't realise how long it's been. How much it's changed.

Ruby then goes up the door and tries to open it, but it doesn't seem to work.

Mitch: Uh, this ain't budging.

Ruby: *turning to Mitch* You gonna stand there sulking all day, or you gonna do something useful?

Clem: Well, we need that barbed wire. There must be another way in.

Mitch then walks around the greenhouse. Clementine begins looking around the area, she then notices Ruby seeming a bit sad, so she approaches her.

Clem: Are you okay?

Ruby: I-It's been so long since I was here. I used to love this place, but it's so overgrown. I'll be fine. Let's just find a way in.

Clementine continues her search, she then spots a cracked window at the top, with a ladder next to it. She points it out to Ruby and Mitch.

Clem: That window. I bet we can get in there.

Ruby: Good spot. Mitch, come here and gimme a boost.

Mitch: Wait. Make her go first. We send the one we don't mind losing.

Clem: *with a smug smirk* You first, Mitch.

Mitch: No, see, 'cause the people back home want me to survive this little trip.

Ruby: Let's just get the stuff we need. Okay?

Mitch: Just go.

Clementine rolls her eyes in annoyance, she then walks near the ladder. Ruby and Mitch give her a boost the grab onto the ladder.

Ruby: Holler if one grabs you. Otherwise, we'll come as soon as you give the clear.

Mitch: I guess we'll know when the door opens.

Clementine then jumps down from the cracked window onto a shelf, she looks around and notices one walker sitting down. It begins to get up and groan as Clementine looks to her left to see a knife.

Ruby: Clementine! You okay?

As soon as she gets the knife, the walker starts to grab her. After some struggling, she stabs the walker through the brain and kills it. Clem begins panting, as Ruby continues to scream out.

Ruby: Clementine?! Clementine!

Clem: I'm fine.

Ruby: Oh, thank god.

Just then, more groans are heard. Two walkers begin to approach her, but she finishes them both off with ease.

Ruby: More walkers? Did you get them?

Mitch: Do you hear any walkers? She got them, calm down.

Clem: *putting the knife away* I'm coming. I'll get the door open.

She moves the planks that were blocking the door and then opens it. Ruby and Mitch are seen standing outside waiting, they both head in and see the walkers Clementine killed.

Mitch: Not bad.

Ruby: *looking at all the plants* Oh, look. Wild ginger, eastern prickly pear, Jerusalem artichoke, false Solomon's seal.

Mitch: Let's find that barbed wire. And anything else that might be useful.

She then begins looking around, first coming across a shovel.

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