Chapter 49: Duty Calls

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Clementine's POV:

I wake up and feel something kicking me. I look up and see Troy. I just stare back at him.

Troy: Get up. Bill's gonna have a word.

He points a gun at me as I stand up and walk over to everyone else, the door opens to reveal Carver and some other guards. I walk over to them.

Carver: There's been increased walker activity along the fence so be mindful when outside the walls. The herd's moved a little closer as of this morning, but that still doesn't necessarily mean we'll be hit. Know we're monitoring the situation. Now... there are some folks that might be sore about what happened... at how things went. Well, that's all in the past now. Some of you are new to our community. Some of you are members who went astray. But know that you can find redemption here... forgiveness... by proving your worth through what will undoubtedly be hard work. Yeah, Reggie slipped up last night, but... that doesn't mean he should lose hope. Today will be a test for him, so let's all wish him the best of luck.

Sarah: How'd you sleep?

Sarah then starts talking to me as Carver glares at her. Carver continues talking, but Sarah was talking to me so I couldn't pay much attention.

Sarah: I was so tired. I didn't even realise it.

Me: Pay attention... we'll talk later, okay?

Sarah: Okay, yeah. Sounds good.

I then start listening to Carver as Sarah looks at me and speaks.

Sarah: I just thought it was nice to finally--

Carver: Carlos!

Carlos: Yes?

Carver: Your child seems to be in need of correction.

Carlos: I'm sorry, I-- Sarah, a-- apologize to Mr. Carver.

Sarah: S-- I'm... sorry, sir.

Carver: No, no. That ain't gonna cut it. I can't have this kind of behaviour on day one of your reform. You discipline her now, Carlos.

Carlos: How do you purpose that I--

Carver: One good smack across the mouth should do it. It'll make her think twice before opening it up again. Go on, we'll wait.

There is silence for a few seconds.

Carlos: My... I'm not sure with my hand that I could--

Carver: Well, that's why you got two hands, Carlos. Come on. And not some namby pamby thing, all right? A good hard smack.

He said walking up to Carlos and smacking the poor air as an example.

Carver: Otherwise, Troy here will do it for ya. I don't think you want that. He can be... overzealous. Is that the word?

Troy: If it means I'll slap the shit out of her, then yeah.

Me: It's my fault!

(Y/N): Clem!

I heard (Y/N) whisper yelling to me.

Troy: Hey! No one's fuckin' talkin' to you.

Carver puts his hand out signalling to Troy to calm down.

Carver: Unless you want one of what she's about to get, I'd pipe down, missy.

Carlos and Carver stare at each other until Carlos walks up to Sarah.

Sarah: I'm sorry, Dad. I'm sorry.

Carlos: Close your eyes honey. It's only going to sting for a second.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now