Chapter 39: The Camp

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Clementine's POV:

We washed up on a shoreline, I saw (Y/N) unconscious so I helped move him. I look at him and see his head is bleeding!

Me: Shit... (Y/N)! You're gonna be okay!

My heart is beating at the sight of him like this! I look around to see if I can find something, ANYTHING to help him. But it's no use.

I see some broken stairs I could climb, but (Y/N) can't, I then hear him wake up as I run over to check on him.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I slowly regain consciousness as I see Clem kneeled down holding my head.

Clem: You okay?

I fully awake to see Clementine crying.

Me: Yes... why are you crying?

Clem: Your head is bleeding!

She takes her hands off of my head, I touch the right side of my head and yep, it's bleeding. I slowly get up.

Me: Is there anywhere we can go?

Clem: There are some broken stairs over there we could climb.

Me: Worth a shot I guess.

We both climb up, we make it to the top.

Clem: Christa, are you there?

Me: Christa!

No response, se we start to look around. We start moving as I feel myself get headache, I hold my head which was still bleeding.

Clem: Are you okay?

Me: I'm fine, Clem.

She turns to me and raise her eyebrow.

Clem: NO, you're not. Your head is bleeding.

Me: I can deal with it, besides there is nothing out here to help with it.

Clem looks to the ground and sheds a single tear in defeat as we move forward. That's when Clem spots something.

Clem: There's something over their.

She whispers to me as we slowly approach the bushes, once we got close enough we saw what it was. It was a dog! It growled at us as we both took a step back.

Clem: It's okay, boy, it's okay...

Me: We're not here to hurt you.

It then barks at us. Clem reaches down to read the collar.

Clem: "Sam." Well, nice to meet you, Sam.

Sam then starts sniffing the floor.

Clem: What's he doing?

Me: I think smelling for something.

Sam barks and runs off.

Clem: Sam. Sam! Where are you going? Wait up!

Me and Clementine follow dog to what looks like an abandoned campsite.

Clem: Hello...!?


Clem: Looks pretty run over... but you never know.

Clementines stomach begins to growl.

Me: Someones hungry.

Clem: Let's look around for some food or something that can help stop the bleeding.

Me: Got it.

It's been a few minutes of searching and still no luck. I see Clem go up to a trash barrel.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now