Chapter 5: A New Day

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Hey, Today I have something special for you, this chapter will introduce oc's ( original characters ) that will appear with you and later in the story!

Oliver's POV:

I was gathering supplies out of a truck when my friend came up to me.

Peter: "Hey champ, you ok?" He said with a worried expression.

Oliver: "Yea just tired is all."

Peter: "Ok, Tony is waiting for us."

We then got the supplies and headed back to camp where Tony, Mason, Jack and Jill were.

Jill: "Oliver, Peter."

I'm Oliver incase you haven't figured that out yet, I'm 15 and my best friend Peter is about 16.

Then you have Jill. He is a massive nerd when it comes to music and songs, he is really good at pianos, guitars, singing and drumming. He is 17.

Next is Mason. The youngest of the group, he is an innocent 7 year old little boy who is Jack's brother.

Then Tony. The leader of our group and is the most calm and honest person I've ever met! For a 16 year old I mean.

Finally there's Jack, Mason's big brother is the toughest and meanest of the group but don't let that fool you for taking him as a bad person. He is caring to all of us just shows it in a strange way!

Tony: "Great, did you get the supplies?"

Peter: "Yep enough for everyone."

Jack: "Good. I would've been pissed off if you failed but your and now we can feast. Great job!!!"

Se what I mean about Jack!

Tony: "Ok, everyone get your meals and have some seals, I tried to think of something to rhyme and it was shit."

Everyone was so confused when he said seals, but we then ate our food and saved some for the trip ahead. We then heard Walker's nearby.

Jill: "Fuck, walkers!"

We then saw about 6 of them coming in on us, we all pulled our weapons and managed to kill them all.

Peter: "I feel like Anakin Skywalker." He said after slicing both hands off of a walker and then the head.

We then started packing our things to hit the long road ahead. Mason looked worried as Jack went over to check on him.

Jack: "Hey brother suck it up, I know it's tough but you need to be tough to run through the walls that stop you from being brave." He said kneeling down towards him with a smile.

Mason nodded as we went out to find a safer area to sleep for the night. We then see a radio that's explaining how bad each continent is.

Asia - Level 7 disaster
North America - Level 9 disaster
South America - Level 8 disaster
Europe - Level 9 disaster
Africa - Level 7 disaster
Australia - Level 5 disaster
Antarctica - Level 2 disaster

After the radio we found out that Australia and Antarctica are the safest places on the planet right now

Jill: "We should go to Australia or Antarctica."

Jack: "I say Antarctica, it's the lowest."

Peter: "No, Australia may be level 5, but there are food and water we can have there. How are you going to find meat in Antarctica."

I then stood up.

Oliver: "I say Antarctica, we can catch fish there."

Jill: "I say Australia."

Peter: "Well 2-2, Tony your the tiebreaker."

Jack: "What about Mason?"

Peter: "I... uh." He couldn't find a good excuse.

Tony and Mason: "Australia."

Me and Jack looked at them with surprise but before we got to say anything we hear a scream. We ran to see what was happening only to see a girl stuck as walkers close in on her.

???: "HELP ME!!!"

She screamed out after seeing us.

Jack: "Shit we need to leave, that bitch just alerted all walkers in a 5km radius, fuck."

Oliver: "We need to save her."

I then ran as I heard Jack and Jill yelling for me as Tony and Peter came to help me.

Me and Peter helped the girl as Tony began killing the walkers giving us time to get the girl and go. We all ran and managed to hide out.

Teenage Girl: "Thanks so much!" She said to me with a smile

Oliver: "My name is Oliver what's yours?"

She them looked in my eyes.

Teenage Girl: "My name is Hope." She said still staring into my eyes with a smile as I smiled back.

Peter then walked up to her.

Peter: "Hello there, my name is Peter. I'm single by the way." He said as we all face palmed.

She stood up and kicked his balls.

Peter: "OW, WHAT THE FUCK!!!"

We all busted out laughing.

Jack: "Okay maybe I should've helped her, I like her already."

She then gave Jack a death stare.

Hope: "So you didn't help me hey?"

Jack: "Actually, I did, s..."

He was interrupted with his balls getting kick just like Peter and we all laughed out even more. Tony felt like he was laughing to death.

You will be seeing these characters frequently and eventually they will meet up with Y/N and Clem. Not sure when yet ( I haven't decided ) but they will.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now