Chapter 43: Pete and Nick

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Clementine's POV:

Me and Pete are currently hiding in a abandoned van, with walkers banging on the door.

Pete: Well, they shouldn't be able to get through that. On the downside, we can't get through them.

Pete sits down, I look at his bite mark.

Pete: What're you looking at? Starin ain't polite. Come on out and say it.

Me: How are you feeling?

Pete: Well, other than this bite, I'm just peachy.

He looks at a saw.

Pete: Hand me that there.

I look at the saw and then looked back at him.

Me: Cutting it off won't work.

Pete: Says who?

Me: I knew someone who tried it.

Pete: Just because it didn't work once don't mean it can't work at all.

He said as he grabs the saw himself and hovers it over his bitten leg, I close my eyes and look away waiting for him to do it, only to hear him throw the saw away.

Pete: I'd bleed out like a stuck pig. What are you gonna do, carry me outta here on your back? Hell. Just... Just give me a minute.

Me: Try to get some rest. There's a lot of stuff in here. I'll try to find something to help.

I go to my bag and unzip it, I begin to worry about (Y/N) as I remember something.


Me, (Y/N), Christa and Omid were all starting a campfire.

Omid: So... one day I saw this monkey, he had zero limbs but he could still move, how?

Christa face palms at this as (Y/N) laughs, which made me smile.

(Y/N): Omid, really?

Omid: What? C'mon little buddy. We're the best team to EVER live.

(Y/N): Okay, okay. What about the girls?

Omid: What about them?

Me and Christa give Omid a death stare as he immediately regrets what he just said.

(Y/N): Christa is a amazing person who cares about everyone here a lot. And Clementine is a pure cute angel.

I felt myself blush as Christa takes notice.

Christa: Hey, boys. Me and Clementine are going to talk privately for a second.

Omid: Oh no. (Y/N) this is Omid rule number 581, never let girls talk alone when there are boys in the group.

Christa: Shut up.

Me and Christa walked away from ears shot.

Me: So... what do you want to talk about?

Christa: You should tell (Y/N) how you feel.

I blush again and look away.

Me: What... about... about what?

Christa: That you have a crush on him, duh.

Me: I don't know what you're talking about?

I said as I cross my arms.

Christa: It's in plain sight that you like him, I'm a girl like you so... I know.

Me: Yes, okay. I have a crush on him. Happy?

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now