Chapter 74: The Final Showdown ( Part 3 )

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Isaac's POV:

My own base became a war-zone! Where the fuck is Vernon at!?

Solider: Isaac!

Me: What!?

Solider: Two people exited the mines.

Me: Vernon and Xander?

Solider: No...

Me: Why didn't you shoot them!

Solider: We all left the mines to help the fight!

Me: You...

I just growl as I walk off and grab my gun.

Me: Who escaped the mines?

Solider: The guy with the beard and the kid who was here.

Me: (Y/N) and Kenny? What about the others they were with?

Solider: Not sure. But I think this means Vernon and Xander are gone.

I clench my fists as I leave the building, walkers begin marching towards me as I shoot everything I see.

Clem's POV:

I make my way back to the abandoned bus where I met Ava.

I... lost AJ... I open the bus door and close it as I curl myself into a ball and cry. I lost everyone now. I've never been alone before. I've always had at least one person with me.

(Y/N) and AJ... I miss and love you both...

I then hear some leaves rustling outside, I stand back up head outside, I turn to the bushes as I pull out a knife. The person reveals themselves.

Ava: Whoa there, Clem! *stands up* It's just me.

I put my knife away as I glare at her. Ava walks over to me with a bag of some kind as I cross my arms.

Me: What the hell do you want?

Ava: I'm really glad I found you. *I look away* Clementine, I know this is hard. I'm so sorry about what happened with AJ. Really. I am. What happened wasn't easy for any of us.

Me: *I look at her with tears in my eyes* I know, I'm sorry too. I didn't want to piss anyone off, but... I had to help AJ.

Ava: Agh, none of this has been easy for you, I know. Look, it's not much, but... Here.

She then throws the bag in front of me. I kneel down and open the bag, I spot a drawing from AJ as I pick it up and look at it. Tears flow down my cheeks.

Ava: David wanted you to have that. AJ drew it just after you- It calmed him down.

Me: I failed him. It's my fault. I was supposed to protect him no matter what! I let it get to my head.

Ava: It's not your fault! *kneels down in front of me* Every mother should have those instincts. But there are some things that are beyond anyone's control. At least you have something to remember him by. Listen, it's dangerous out here and right now, you're... hurting. Whatever you do, you can't let what happened get to you. *stands back up* You need to keep a level head. Plan for after that. You're strong, but that won't get you far if you don't know what you're doing. Or where you're headed.

Me: *I stand back up* I could maybe find some others... A town or something.

Ava: We all have to fit in somewhere, right? Just because it didn't work out with us doesn't mean you won't find happiness somewhere else. Don't stop looking. For me, staying alive has always been about finding people I could trust as much as they trusted me. That's what The New Frontier has been: a silver lining. Made me feel worth a damn. Kept me going in the worst of times. You'll find yours. I know you will. Someone... Or something.

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