Chapter 87: Above The Law

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3rd Person POV: ( Location: The Woods )

Clem: David... left me to die... and... I... I thought AJ would be the one... finally.

Javi: The one what?

Clem: *voice slightly breaking* The one who didn't die.

Clem looks down to the ground, fighting tears. Javi places hand on her shoulder which causes her to turn around. Javi then brings Clementine into a hug, which she accepts.

Clem: *still hugging, fighting tears* My little goofball... *breaking the hug and looking away* That's what I get for trusting other people. Again. And then (Y/N)'s head was filled with lies, which made him attack me, and now he could be...

She stops herself from saying another word, and instead starts walking away. Javi, Tripp, Uriel and Jesus all look at each other before following after her. They all stop when they see a warehouse.

Javi: This is what David circled on the map.

Walkers are seen patrolling around the area.

Tripp: Our smelly friends are back...

Uriel: And hungrier than ever...

Everyone then takes out their weapons and proceed to rush toward the warehouse, while running, Javier smashes a walkers skull with his bat. Clem slices the knee of a walker while running, Javi catches up and bats the walker hard in the head. Both Javi and Clementine make it to a back gate first with Tripp, Uriel and Jesus killing a few walkers in their wake. The three eventually catch up with Clem and Javi. The latter then starts moving the gate shut. After he succeeds, a walker begins ponding on the gate, groaning, really wanting to get in. More walkers follow its behaviour. This causes the gate to start shaking and becoming loose. Clementine and Tripp hold one side whilst Uriel and Jesus hold the other.

Javi: If too many of them push against this, it might give.

Uriel: Might!

Javi: Just... keep the gates steady, and I'll find a way in.

Uriel: Well, make it quick!


Meanwhile, (Y/N) can be seen laying unconscious, before two shadows hover over him...

Female Voice: No way... (Y-Y/N)...?


After some time, Javi and the group manage to get into the warehouse. The garage door still slightly open.

Clem: Close the door!

Tripp: Hurry! Get that god damn jack out of there!

Javi proceeds to kick the jack out from the garage door, causing it to slam shut and prevent some crawling walkers from getting through.

Tripp: *panting* Damn, man. That was too close!

Uriel: Way too close.

Clem: Hopefully that door holds them.

Uriel: It damn better!

The walkers begin banging on the garage door, everyone listens to the banging until gunshots are heard. A voice then calls out from outside another door.

David: Hey! I'm here!

Javi: David! *running towards the door*

Before Javi could open the door, Clem cocks her gun.

Clem: Don't you dare let that fucking baby killer in!

She then fires a bullet over Javi's head, hitting the metal door. Javi looks at Clem in shock.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now