Chapter 25: Manor Search

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Y/N's POV:

We walked into the house as Christa takes Omid to rest on the couch, I hear Omid and Christa talking.

Omid: Argh!

Christa: Sorry! Sorry!

Omid: No. It's okay. I'm good. Feel better already just being off my feet. Thanks, babe.

We all look around the house making sure it's safe.

Christa: So, when were you going to tell us about the radio?

I turn around and see Christa looking at Lee.

Kenny: Tell you what?

Christa: That it's working.

Christa: That there's someone else on the other end of that thing! You didn't think that might have been worth sharing with the rest of us?

Lee: I was going to tell you. Kenny and I only found out yesterday.

Christa: So both of you were keeping it from the rest of us? Great.

Kenny: Who gives a shit about the damn radio? I'm more worried about whoever it was out there ringing that bell and bringing the dead down on top of us! It's like they didn't want us to make it to the river!

Christa: What makes you think it's not the same person? Whoever was on the radio was close enough to see us in the street. And we didn't see anyone else other than the guy in the bell tower.

Kenny: Because that doesn't make a lick of damn sense. Why would they bring out the dead like that and then try to warn us about it?

Christa: How much sense does anything make any more? In case you haven't noticed there's a lot of twisted folks out there these days. At least the dead don't play games with you.

Lee: Whoever that was on the radio, I think they were trying to help us. They did warn us, didn't they?

Christa: Maybe you're right. But whoever it was, they're watching us. Following us. And they don't want us to know who they are. I can't think of any explanation for that that would make me feel better. Can you?

Lee: I'm with Kenny on that. Once it's quieted down outside we'll all head out to the river together. Deal?

Kenny: Suit yourselves. But I'm not gonna wait around too long for someone else to grab up those boats, that's our ticket out of here.

Ben: Place seems secure at least.

Christa: I'll feel better when we know that for sure. We need to check the whole house.

Kenny: Alright, fine. You and (looks at Ben) me'll take the upstairs - Lee, you've got down here. Make sure you check every door, understand?

Lee: Okay.

Christa then goes to Omid as Kenny and Ben check upstairs, I see Clementine approach Lee.

Clementine: Is there anything me and Y/N can do?

Lee: Thanks, I got it. Hang out with Christa and Omid until I get back, okay?

Clementine: Lee... I'm sorry.

Lee: What for?

Clementine: Going through the door like that, without checking first. I guess that was pretty dumb, huh?

Lee: Just ask me first, next time you're gonna go and outsmart all the grown-ups. Okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Me and Clementine then sit next to eachother with Omid and Christa. Later he heard Lee.

Lee: Jesus!

Clementine: What? What happened?

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now