Chapter 44: Unexpected Visitor

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I open the door to Sarah's room.

Sarah: Say "cheese"!

Sarah flashed me with a camera.

Sarah: I found this under the house. There was all kinds of old stuff!

She shows me the picture she took of me.

Sarah: It's so cool! Take one of me!

She offers me the camera, I was going to say no but I remembered I had to distract her.

Me: Sure.

I take the camera.

Sarah: Get me in a good pose, okay?

She smiles for the camera as I take a photo and check it. I begin to start worrying for Clementine.

Sarah: What's wrong? Um, where's my dad?

Me: He'll be fine.

Sarah: Are you sure?

I start to go silent which may have been a bad idea as Sarah begins to start crying.

Sarah: Sorry, I-- I just need to...

She sits down on the floor then curls up into a ball. I sit down on the floor with her.

Me: Don't worry, your father's a tough guy.

She smiles at me.

Sarah: Thanks (Y/N).

Wait... since when did I tell her my name?

Me: Uhh... how do you know my name?

Sarah: Clementine told me.

Me: Oh, okay.

There's a moment of pause until Sarah speaks up again.

Sarah: Are you single?

I look at her confused as hell.

Me: The hell...

Sarah: Sorry... bad question. But want to see something else I found?

Me: Sure.

We both stand up and she shows me a... gun?

Sarah: Will you show me how to use it? I couldn't find any bullets. If something's wrong, I should know. What if I have to use one?

Me: It's too dangerous.

Sarah: Everything is dangerous. I need to know sometime.

Me: You should let your dad teach you.

She starts aiming the gun around the room.

Sarah: What should I shoot?

She aims the gun at me as I duck down.

Me: Don't do that!

Sarah: S-- Sorry! Sorry...

She stops aiming at me.

Sarah: Maybe I could practice outside?

She looks out the window.

Sarah: There's that tree. Hey, Luke's back!

Sarah leaves the room as I look out the window and see a figure just about leave view. I go downstairs and see Sarah a little frightened.

Sarah: That's not Luke.

I look at the door and through the window on it I see a weird old guy standing at it.

Sarah: (Y/N)... I think I know him.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now