Chapter 96: Game of War

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3rd Person POV: ( Location: Ericson's )

AJ sits by himself, waiting, when the gates to the school open. He turns his head to see everyone (but mainly (Y/n) and Clem) all return, safe and sound. He runs up and grabs his adoptive parents' arms. The both of them look at him.

AJ: They're pretty good. With the monsters.

Marlon: *coming up behind AJ and putting a hand on his shoulder* C'mon, y'all, food's nearly--

AJ then swiftly elbows Marlon right in the balls. He starts wincing at the pain.

Clem: AJ!

(Y/n): Holy fuck...

AJ then runs off.

Marlon: *in pain* Shit... Kid packs a goddamn wallop, huh?

(Y/n): You could say that...

Clem: We're so sorry about that. It happens sometimes.

Marlon: He's a jumpy little guy.

Clem: You gonna be okay?

Marlon: *nods*

(Y/n): Okay, that's good.

Marlon: Yeah, but listen. He can't go around punching people in the... you know... and expect 'em to eat at the same table. *looks at AJ, who gasps and looks away*

Clem: We'll talk to him. C'mon, (Y/n).

Clementine and (Y/n) then walk over to AJ.

(Y/n): Hey, AJ.

AJ: Hey, (Y/n).

Clem: So, what are you looking at?

AJ: What's that bird doing?

A crow can be seen picking at a walkers rotting corpse.

AJ: That's gross. He should stop.

(Y/n): It's a crow.

AJ: A what?

Clem: A crow. In school they told us they're called scavengers. Can you say that?

AJ: Sca-vagers.

Clem: No, sca-VEN-gers.

AJ: Sca-VEN-gers. What's it mean?

(Y/n): Your the teacher, Clem.

Clem: Yeah, yeah, I know. *to AJ* It means they don't hunt like us. They just eat stuff that's already dead.

AJ: Huh. Sca-VEN-gers are gross.

Clem: Oh yeah.

(Y/n): So... can we talk about Marlon now?

The two look at AJ, who keeps quiet for a few seconds before speaking up.

AJ: I didn't mean to hit him. I didn't know that it was Marvin.

Clem: *smiling, then correcting him* Marlon.

AJ: Right.

(Y/n): I literally just said the name before.

AJ: Sorry.

(Y/n): No. It's fine.

Clem: AJ, I'm sure they'll forgive you. But we should go talk to them.

AJ: But... but I don't think they like me. I can just tell. They don't.

(Y/n): Well, did they say they don't like you?

AJ: No. But they can pretend to like me.

Clem: Well, maybe they'll like you if you try not hitting them. Or biting.

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