Chapter 26: Molly

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Lee's POV:

Me and Kenny were walking to River Street to find some boats.

Me: Keep your eye out for Chuck. He might be waiting for us around here.

Kenny: Yeah... sure.

Just then we heard the bell go off again.

Kenny: Son of a bitch. (draws gun out) That bastard's fucking with us again. It's another trap.

Me: No. Listen. That's not the same bell as before. This one's farther off. Whatever it is, it's gonna get the dead moving over there.

We then hear moaning as we turn around and see walkers heading to the sound of the bell, we quickly take cover.

Kenny: What in the hell is going on?

Me: I don't know, but the person ringing that bell might be doing us a favor.

Kenny: Whatever, man. I find whoever's doing that, I'll ring their motherfucking bell for 'em.

Me: Good one.

All the walker's then walked off as Kenny gets out of cover.

Kenny: Hmph. Let's keep moving.

I get out of cover as I continue looking behind me.

Me: Still noting moving behind us, (I look back in front of me) I think we're--

I see something that Kenny is looking at as my eyes widened.

Me: Oh my god.

It's the docks. But there weren't any working boats in sight at all! I put my hands on the back of my head as I look in disbelief.

Kenny: There's gotta be a boat... there's gotta be.

Me: Kenny, man... I don't think so. Maybe we need to come up with a new plan.

Kenny: This IS the plan! It's the only one we've got, and you pissin' on it in front of everyone like you did back at the house ain't exactly helping. Well screw you, I ain't giving up that easy.

Kenny runs off towards the dock as I run after him. We look at a ruined boat.

Kenny: This one might still be salvageable.

Me: Kenny. Get a grip. This boat is totally fucked.

Kenny: Oh yeah? Know a lot about boats, do ya? Tell you what - if I ever need an expert opinion on American history I'll be sure to ask. But how about you leave the nautical shit to me?

He looks back at the boat then turns back to me.

Kenny: I'll check it out. You look further along the waterfront. Maybe there's something at the other end.

Me: I don't think we should split up too far.

Kenny: We don't have to. See that telescope? (Kenny looks at a telescope) You can see all the way along the waterfront from right here. (looks back at me) See what you can find.

Me: Okay.

I walk away as Kenny begins inspecting the boat.

Y/N's POV:

I was sitting next to Clementine and Ben.

Ben: Where's Christa?

Clementine: With Omid.

Ben: Oh, okay.

Clementine: I'll go check on her.

Clem goes upstairs to see the Christa and Omid leaving me alone with Ben.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now