Chapter 84: Richmond

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3rd Person POV: ( Location: Richmond )

Javi and Gabe stare in disbelief at the sight of David.

Gabe: Dad?

David: Javi! Is that really you? I always hoped I'd find you.

Javi: *puts his hands off from behind his head* I can't fucking believe this... It's-It's you!

David: Couldn't have said it better myself.

Gabe then gets to his feet and hugs his father instantly, David returning the gesture.

Gabe: *while hugging him* I knew you were still alive. I knew it!

David smiles at his son, as the New Frontier soldiers raise their guns toward Gabe.

David: *waving his hand* Hey, weapons down! This is my family!

They all do what he says, Max also lowering his weapon from the top of the gate.

Javi: You gotta let us in. Kate doesn't have much longer.

David: *breaking the hug with Gabe, noticing Kate on the ground* Jesus... Kate!

David kneels down and holds his wife's hand.

Kate: *confused* David?

David: I'm here, honey, I'm right here! *looks at Javi* What the hell happened?

Javi: She's been shot, and we got the bullet out, but she's still bleeding. We need your doctor. Now, David.

David: What the fuck is she on the ground for? *checks her pulse* She's barely got a pulse. She's cold as fucking ice! How were you just gonna leave her here like this?

Javi: *looks up to Max* He said we had to kneel. I couldn't hold onto her.

David: *turns to Max* The fuck are you trying to prove, Max?

Max: They're outsiders, David! It's what we do with everybody. And I mean, they have Ivan.

David then spots Ivan.

Ivan: Hello!

David rolls his eyes and picks up Kate bridal style and turns toward the gate.

David: She's coming inside!

Max: But she hasn't been checked!

David: Fuck that! This is my wife!

Max: I... I didn't know. Honest!

David: She's going to the hospital. Now! *talks quietly to Kate* Our doctor's gonna help you, honey. I'm gonna make sure of it. *starts walking to the gate*

Gabe: Wait. I'm going with you!

Gabe then runs over to join them. Uriel picks (Y/N) back up and the group try and follow them inside, but the New Frontier soldiers aim their guns at them.

New Frontier Solider 01: Sorry, but the rest of you have to go straight to quarantine. Including Ivan and the boy who seems unconscious.

Tripp: *crosses his arms* What for?

New Frontier Solider 01: All newcomers get checked for bites. And, they all have to answer a couple of questions. *looks to David's family* Our doctor will clear the two of them. *turns back to the group* But the rest of you have to come with me to the quarantine holding area. It's how we keep it safe for everyone.

Javi: Don't you get it? I'm David's brother! I'm going to the hospital with them.

New Frontier Solider 01: We have procedures here... procedures that have to be followed... Even if you are related to David.

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