Chapter 8: The Motor Inn

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Lee's POV:

We arrived the motor inn as we threw away all the bodies from the last time we were here. I look down at my family photo with my mom, dad and brother. I then hear gunshots and screaming in the distance as I walk up to Glenn.

Lee: "Hey Glenn."

He then holds his hand up as he listens to the car radio. We hear the disaster level of each state in Georgia.

Atlanta - Level 9 Disaster

After hearing just Atlanta Glenn looks up at me.

Glenn: "I think I need to go."

Lee: "To Atlanta?"

Glenn: "Yeah... I got friends there, and I just can't stay here knowing that they could be trapped in that city."

Lee: "It sounds like nobody knows what's happening there. When we left a few days ago it could've gone either way."

Glenn: "I got to take my chances."

Lee: "Find your friends and be safe."

Glenn: "Thanks Lee, that means a lot. I don't mean to abandon you all, but this seems like an okay setup, and I'm sure things will go back to normal around here in no time."

Lee: "Let's hope."

Glenn: "You guys be safe."

Lee: "We'll try."

Glenn: "And Lee, you know, if this doesn't get better, people ARE going to give up... like the girl from upstairs. Are you just going to let them? You told Carley to give her the gun."

Lee: "Yeah, I did."

Glenn: "Maybe you were right. I don't know how to handle something like that. Anyway, seeya around."

Glenn then got in his car and drove off into the distance. Next I walk up to Kenny.

Lee: "Hey Ken."

Kenny: "Close call back there."

Lee: "Thanks for picking me up."

Kenny: "No problem."

He said as we shake hands.

Kenny: "We have to take care of each other."

Lee: "Yeah, we do."

Kenny: "I think you know what you're doing."

Lee: "Shit man, do any of us?"

Kenny: "With Clementine and Y/N, I mean. Earlier you said you were clueless. I just want you to know that I look at you, and I see the type of guy who figures things out. Those two are going to be just fine."

Lee: "Thanks, Kenny."

Kenny: "You got it."

I then walked over to Carley.

Lee: "How are you doing, Carley?"

Carley: "I'm ok. You know, considering."

Lee: "I do, yeah."

Carley: "I can't stop thinking about Doug. We couldn't have saved him, could we?"

Lee: "I don't think so. It happened pretty fast."

Carley: "I know it's stupid... we'd just met... and he was such a... it's just that... I think that I liked him."

Lee: "Well I'm sure he liked you too."

Carley: "Ha, he BETTER have. Anyway, I'd rather be alone I think."

Lee: "I understand."

Before I walk off I hear Carley speak again.

Carley: "Wait, Lee?"

Lee: "What is it?"

Carley: "How did you choose? We both needed you... you picked me."

Lee: "I was going to help you both."

Carley: "But you helped me first."

Lee: "Yeah, I did."

Carley: "I just wish we both could've made it, you know?"

Lee: "Me too, Carley."

I then went to check on Clementine and Y/N.

Duck was talking to Clementine and Y/N as they sat there.

Lee: "Hey Duck, you want to cool it for a minute?"

Duck: "Ok, sorry."

I then kneeled down in front of them.

Lee: "I'm sorry, there's uh, not a lot of kids here."

Clementine: "No, it's not that. It's... I got grabbed again."

Lee: "I was there though."

Clementine: "I fell... and my walkie-talkie broke. Glenn had the other one."

Lee: "Aww, I'm sorry."

Clementine: "Thanks. I know I need to be tough, I'm just sad. I know it doesn't make any sense but it's how I used to talk to my mom and dad and now they're gone. It's gone."

Lee: "Maybe we can find you another one."

Clementine: "I'll just keep this one I guess."

Lee: "Y/N, how are you doing."

Y/N: "I want to be alone, I don't want to talk to anyone right now, not even my sister. Just give me a few days."

He then got up and went into a room to be by himself. I saw his sister look worried but she overheard everything and understood. She sat down and by the looks of things also wants to be by herself.

Larry: "Lee, come here for a second."

Lee: "Let me go deal with this."

I said to Clem as I got up and went to Larry.

Lee: "What do you want?"

Larry: "You like my daughter?"

Lee: "Her dad tried to kill me, so."

Larry: "Well he did that because be knows that Lee Everett is a convicted murderer; and so will everyone else if you go near her. You hear me?"

He then went into my face.

Larry: "I know who you are. And I don't give a shit about what happens to you. But if anything happens to my daughter or that little girl you've got with you, heh, you watch your ass."

Larry then walks off as Lilly walks up to me.

Lilly: "Hey, Lee; do you have a second? My dad would be dead if it weren't for you."

Lee: "That guy. Doug, is dead because of me."

Lilly: "You can't be like that. You're only one man."

Lee: "I don't know..."

Lilly: "We're lucky to have you."

We then hear more gunshots.

Kenny: "I hope that's the sound of us winning this thing."

Lilly: "Me, too."

Kenny: "This motor inn's pretty defendable. We block off the entrances with some cars and keep someone on watch and we could stay here until the military rolls through."

Lilly: "I actually agree with that plan."

Lee: "Me too."

Kenny: "We've got beds, we've got water and most importantly, we've got light. There are worse places to call home."

Lilly: "Yeah. You're right. You know guys, I think it's going to be ok."

Then all of a sudden the lights turn off everywhere. Leaving us in the dark.

Shorter chapter then the others, but that is the end of Season 1 Episode 1. Episode 2 ( Starved for Help ) will be out tomorrow!!! 1046 words.

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