Chapter 91: From The Gallows ( Part 1 )

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3rd Person POV: ( Flashback )

A young adult Javier and David can be seen playing dominoes with their father, Salvador.

David: While we're still breathing, Javi...

Javi: I'm letting the bones speak to me.

David: Heh... Oh, my God.

Salvador: Oh, I think I can hear them! They're saying, "You're gonna lose, come mierda, so play already."

Javi: I must've inherited patience from Ma.

David: Oh... Come on, man!

Salvador: Calm down, David. No one is ever in a rush to lose.

David: My beer's getting warm.

Salvador: Drink faster!

Javi plays his domino.

David: ¡Victoria!

David plays his domino.

Salvador: ¡Carajo! I was so close! You're now my least favourite son, Javier.

Javi: Hey, he's the one who beat you!

Salvador: Fine. It's a tie. I hate you both equally.

David: Kicked out of baseball. Can't play dominoes. What exactly are you good at again, Javi?

Javi: At least I can actually play baseball. Slugger...

Salvador: That's enough, both of you! It's not Javi's fault he's a disgrace to the game of dominoes.

David: I won. That's ten bucks you owe me. Both of you. I know you're broke, Javi. You should sit out the next game, since we all know I'm gonna win. No shame in surrender. We would all understand.

Javi: Good game, David. Nicely played.

David: Nice or not, a win is a win. Pay up, little brother. If you can...

Salvador: I'll cover for Javier.

David: Oh, is it your turn to do that now? I lost track. Poor, helpless Javi.

Salvador: Get my wallet, mijo.

Javi gets out of his seat.

David: Keep an eye on him. You don't want him snatching an extra twenty for gas money.

Salvador: It's on the counter.

Javi: Yeah. Sure, Pa.

Javi opens Salvador's wallet and takes out a piece of paper.

Javi: Pa, what's this?

David takes the paper from Javi.

Javi: Hey, man, I was reading that! *David reads it and frowns* What? Wh-What's up?

David: What the fuck is this?

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