Chapter 35: No Time Left

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(Y/N)'s POV:

We all walk onto the roof of the hospital as he begin to look below, we see what seems like billions of walkers roaming the streets of Savannah!

Kenny: Remember when Savannah was empty?

Christa: Those Crawford bastards did one thing right, I guess.

Kenny: There must be thousands of them.

Me: Probably billions.

Omid: They didn't follow us here, did they?

Kenny: It sure seems like it.

Christa: That's crazy; they can't TRACK. They just roam.

Me: Well the train was very loud.

Kenny looks at me.

Kenny: Good point (Y/N). (looks at Christa) That fuckin' train wasn't exactly discrete.

Omid: Well, what do we do now?

Lee: Clementine's out there, somewhere, gobbled up in all of that.

Christa: We'll get to her, Lee. We'll do whatever we have to.

Kenny: Look, let's get our bearings and see if we can figure out a way to make it across town. Good?

We all nod.

Kenny: Good.

Omid: I, uh, don't think we can ignore what just happened to Lee. He lost a lot of blood down there.

Lee looks at his arm as it begins dripping blood.

Kenny: If you find yourself getting winded, or... worse, you gotta let us know.

Lee: Okay. I'll probably just need to go a little slower. I know we can't afford dead weight. So, don't treat me like I am.

Christa: We won't.

I look down as I think to myself (Hopefully this works, I don't want to lose you Lee.)

Christa: Now what?

Kenny: We get down and we find a little girl out there. Right, pal?

Lee nods.

Kenny: Now let's get our bearings.

We all begin to separate as Lee looks for a way, we begins talking with Omid as Kenny walks up to me.

Kenny: Hey kid, how you holding up?

Me: I-I-I don't know.

Kenny brings me into a hug.

Kenny: It's going to be okay, we are going to get Clementine back! Understand?

We stop hugging as he looks at me awaiting an answer.

Me: I understand.

Kenny smiles.

Kenny: You're a good kid. No matter what anyone says you are amazing! Always remember that.

Me: Understood boat god, you are the second closet person to my father.

Kenny: I'm guessing Lee is first.

Me: Yep.

We both laugh.

Me: You're also an amazing and caring person Kenny.

Kenny smiles and lets out a tear.

(Kenny will remember that)

Kenny walks over to Lee who is picking up a ladder.

Boat God: Whoa, you need some help with that?

Lee: I got it.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now