Chapter 65: Two Sides

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Josh's POV:

Me and Harold follow Bradley into his office as we sit down. He sit's on his seat.

Bradley: Now, you two have some explaining to do.

Harold: He punched first okay, it was self defense.

Me: No it wasn't!

Harold: I'm just trying to make some friends and he's just over here punching me!

Me: Then maybe don't call people dicks or whores.

Harold: At least give me a chance to talk to Clementine, she's pretty cute.

Me: Oh for fucks sake. She doesn't want to talk to you!

Bradley: ENOUGH! *he slams his fists on the desk as we both jump* This place is meant to he a safe haven for people, and you are both beating each other up and acting like children!

Harold: I don't think Josh deserves to be here.

Me: You just can't take no for an answer, that's your problem. When someone doesn't want to be your friend, then they don't want to be your friend. So deal with it.

Bradley: *sighs* I think I know who deserves to he held accountable. I'm sorry Josh but you started the fight.

Me: What? But he provoked the fight!

Bradley: I'll get to what he has to do, but Josh, your punishment is you're to be monitored closely and to stay away from Harold. *looks at Harold* You will apologise to Sarah and Clementine and to be left off with a warning, next time you provoke a fight it'll be a punishment similar to Josh.

Me: This is bullshit!

Bradley: *to me* Next time you attack someone, you're to leave Wellington. Consider this a warning as well.

Harold: I will gladly apologise to sweet Clem.

Bradley: And Sarah.

Harold: ...Yeah.

Me: See! He doesn't even want to apologise to Sarah!

Bradley: You're making things worse on yourself by yelling.

Me: Whatever. *I get up and leave the room*

I hear Harold leave the room behind me.

Harold: Josh!

Me: *turns around extremely annoyed* What?!

Harold: As you heard Bradley, you need to stay away from me. So, when I become friends with Clementine you have to stay away.

Me: She said no.

Harold: She said it's because we just met. So if I get to know her better then she'll like me. More than a friend perhaps.

Me: She likes someone else.

Harold: What? What dipshit does she think is better than me?

Me: Oh, some guy you don't want to mess with. I've heard Clem and Sarah say a lot of things about him. Apparently he was beaten by a guy and lost an eye and he's still walking not having a care in the world.

Harold: I haven't seen anyone here with one eye.

Me: Trust me, she does like him a lot. Here or not here.

Harold scoffs and walks off.

Clem's POV:

I'm inside my room watching AJ. He is currently sleeping so I'm trying not to wake him up, but then I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and open it to reveal Harold.

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now