Chapter 75: Javier Garcia

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3rd Person POV:

Clementine kneels down and takes the gun that the man dropped on the floor and puts it in her pocket. Keeping an eye on the man.

Clem: Okay. Now, don't do anything stupid. 'Cause I'm not as nice as you. I won't hesitate.

She starts walking towards the truck.

Man: You're a kid...

He follows her close behind as they get in front of the run-down truck.

Man: Wait. Did you do that? With the tree?

Clem: I was trying to stop the truck.

She gets a closer look at the truck.

Clem: Shit.

She gets inside the truck and begins searching as the man remains outside.

Man: Well, you almost crushed me in the process.

Clem: *exits the truck with a apple* Tree fell slower than I thought it would. *takes a bite off of the apple* Put your hands up and close your eyes.

She walks towards the guy as he does as asked, she goes behind him.

Man: Look, I'm the victim here.

Clem: We're all victims.

Man: Oh, so it's okay for you to rob me.

She starts to steal things off of him.

Clem: This is payment. For saving you.

She then takes a candy bar out of the mans pocket and looks at it.

Man: Hey, that's for my niece. She loves chocolate, more than anything. I promised it to her. Please.

Clem hesitatingly puts the candy bar back. She finishes robbing him.

Clem: Keep your eyes closed and count to a hundred before you go.

Man: *turns to look at her* Wait, just-- my family. I need to get back to them. We were attacked and I don't... Look, I just need to know where I am. We were driving down the 522... and that's when we found the junkyard. They're still there. I need to get back to them.

Clem: I know where that is. You said you were driving?

Man: In our van, yeah.

Clem: I'll take you to the junkyard, if you let me have your van. I get you there in one piece, then I drive away.

Man: Yeah, absolutely. You got a deal.

Clem: Good. Let's go.

They then start walking, Clem walks behind the man with her shotgun at the ready incase he does anything. The man looks at his still tied up hands.

Man: This really necessary?

Clem: I don't know you, I don't trust you, and I'm not taking any chances.

Man: Hey, that's fine with me. I don't trust you either.

Clem: Glad we understand each other.

Javi: The name's Javier, by the way. People... call me Javi.

Clem: Clementine.

Javi: Clementine. Cool name.

Clem: If you say so.

Clem's POV:

Me and the tied up Javi continue walking, only for a walker to show up. I pull out a knife and kick it's legs, it falls over and I then stab it's brain. Just like what (Y/N) said when Jane taught him... Javier saw what I did as we continue walking.

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