Chapter 13: Close Your Eyes

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Y/N's POV:

I opened my eyes only to see nothing but darkness.

???: "Y/N..."

I turn around and see more dust, but this one seems to be different, and even has a different voice!


Mysterious Figure: "They killed Milky in front of you, those sick bastards."

Me: "Nooooo."

I fall down and cry, making a pool of tears.

Mysterious Figure: "I'm doing my job, I'll help you grow stronger, faster and braver."

Me: "What are you?"

The dust then turns into a person, I look in shock.

Me: "Dad..."

Dad: "The one and only."

I quickly hugged him not wanting to let go.

Dad: "I will be here. Whenever you need me."

Me: "I miss you dad."

Dad: "I know son, but you have to be tough, for your sister, for Clementine and for Lee."

Me: "Am I dead?"

Dad: "No, you're not dead, yet."

I then let go and stepped back from him crying even more.

Me: "Yet?"

Dad: "Everyone dies, I said yet because you can't do anything to escape the situation your in. You have to hope that someone solves out what is really happening before it is too late, the clock is ticking."

He then fades back into dust, I wake up to a bloody bathroom.

Mark: "Hey, your okay."

Y/N: "They...they..."

Mark: "They're sick, I know, we need to find a way out of here and quick!"

Lee's POV:

We've been walking in the woods for about 7 minutes.

Danny: "See anything?"

Me: "Not yet."

I was scanning the area very carefully so I don't miss anything.

Danny: "I know it's around here. It's gotta be close."

I then spot something on the ground, I kneel down. It was canned soup, I got up and continued walking until I spot the camping site.

Me: "Here!"

I signal to Danny to sneak up carefully, we do so and then we raise our rifles looking around the place ready to shoot, I don't see anyone there. I slowly approach the campsite and then took cover behind a tree, Danny did the same.

Danny: "You see anybody?"

Me: "Stay on your guard."

We then approach the campsite.

Danny: "Watch my back, Lee. I'm gonna check out the tent."

I aimed my rifle at the tent as Danny slowly approaches it very cautiously, he opens the tent only to find nothing.

Danny: "Clear."

We lower our guns.

Danny: "This camp's too small. It can't be their main base."

Me: "That's what I was thinking."

Danny: "Take a look around anyway. There's probably some shit around here they stole from us."

The Walking Dead: No Turning Back ( Male Reader x Clementine ) Where stories live. Discover now