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AN: The Harrisons are back and love, angst, sadness, happiness, this story runs the gambit and keeps on throwing you curves.  I hope you've read Book one in this series. It's on my list of books. It's also on sale on Amazon search 'The Alpha's Mates by Shannon Ledbetter'. Hold onto your seats and tissues. I hope you like this story as much as the first.

As I sat at my desk in my office I heard running feet up the steps just outside the door.

"What have I said about running in the house?" I shouted at what I knew would be my eldest three no doubt running to get out of sight from some trouble they were in. Kiara, Nate and LJ were just shy of seven now. Kiara was an alpha, the eldest of my five kids. She was part of a set of triplets though being alpha she acted like their big sister most of the time. She was a Rotty in shape when shifted. Nate was my mate Iggy's mini me. Iggy was a chameleon mud snake, dark forest green with a blood red stripe down his side. Nate looked just like him but had a tan stripe from my doberman side. LJ was a solid black, he was lanky and thin almost gray hound-ish but not quite that thin. The three were often in trouble. They were very active and often forget there were rules until they were already breaking them. No doubt they'd done it again. I slipped out of my chair and headed for my office door just as they popped their heads around the door jam. I raised an eyebrow and waited.

"Sorry daddy." Kiara said on behalf of them. She was the ring leader and almost always did all the talking. The other two were beta's and followed her lead in everything.

"Why were you running?" She kept quite.

"Kiara, Nate, Junior downstairs now." I heard Iggy's raised voice and stepped into the hall to see my first mate at the bottom of the stairs. They went down heads already hanging. Curious what they were in trouble for I went down and waited.

"So, who wants to explain, first why Grandma Ebony saw you running across their backyard, why you were there and why you left our yard when you know full well that you aren't allowed to leave unless one of your parents are with you."

"I wanted to check on Mike." Ebony was technically only a few years older than me but she was my dads mate so that made her grandma which I had taken great delight in managing to get my kids to call her that. Mike was my little brother he was half a year younger than my triplets. I also had twin sisters two years younger than him. He'd managed to get a cold and had been down for a couple weeks. It was unusual for were's to stay sick that long but he'd still been feeling puny the other day when I'd talked to dad.

"It's my fault they went you know they just follow me." I couldn't help the half smile at her. She always took the blame. As an alpha she knew that her brothers just followed her lead. She would be a great alpha some day and I was thinking she'd be the perfect Queen for the dog people when I decided to retire as King.

"If you'd have asked, one of us might have taken you over. Did you bother to ask anyone?"



"Papa Don. I asked before he went to work this morning." Kiara said.

"What did he tell you?"

"That he didn't want us over there just yet. Mike was still not feeling any better and he didn't want us to get sick."

"So why did you go on your own?"

"Cause it's not normal for a dog to be sick this long. None of the other kids have ever been sick this long. I wanted to see him myself."

"You broke several rules. Which ones?" Iggy asked. It was a tactic he'd started about a year ago. Making them explain their mistakes in full to make sure they really understood what they'd done wrong. So far it seemed to be working.

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