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He looks at Iggy.

"Iggy, come on why are you being so hard about this. I told you it was alright."

"Because..." I rolled my eyes.

"You hate when I say that."

"Because it feels like you aren't treating him like you treat the others. You never forget us, why are you forgetting him? Is it just because he doesn't have a mating spark? You love him so why forget him? You think of us constantly, worry for us, why does it seem like you don't do the same for him?" I stared at Iggy. I didn't have an answer for him. Honestly. I wasn't sure I did or didn't do what he says. "Well?"

"I don't know. I really don't. I couldn't tell you if I did or not. I don't think about it. I just, you know I'm more about following my feelings when it comes to my family. I am much happier that way. I just go with it. What makes you think I'm not caring for him the same?"

"The little things. The way you touch us when you pass us, I've yet to see you do that with him. You'll give us random kisses. Kiss our baby bellies, touch us, speak to us, check on us constantly. If you don't feel him then you should be doing the same for him. Why don't you?" I didn't? Was he right? I looked from Iggy to Rance and back. I thought about it looking between them. Taking Rance's hand I asked him.

"Do I do those things with you? I don't know. I... do I?" He started to open his mouth, sighed instead, then glared at Iggy.

"No. But I don't care. I know you love me. You want to be here with me, to love me, have our babies to hold and love." I winced.

"I love you. He's right I shouldn't treat you different."

"Ignacio, this is your fault I told you it was fine. Why did you have to go and poke at it?"

"Because unlike him I can feel you. I know that while you say it's fine and want it to be, you noticed and it's bothering you, more when he forgets about your link and you are forced to feel him love someone else and forget you exist. I love you, you are my mate I don't like knowing that one of my mates is hurting the other. Even unconsciously."

"Iggy, you are causing trouble." Emmy says getting up and putting a robe on.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Since I'm awake the triplets will be up soon for their bottles I'm going to go get them started. Don has the baby monitor like normal but I want to help. Remember," She says stepping close to him, "you love them both, don't make them feel bad about this if you can't fix it. You'll just alienate them both." She kissed his cheek and left. I had come in here to claim Trace not be berated about Rance. But if I really was treating him less than I needed to fix that. Why would I be thinking less of him? It can't just be that he's not a real mate. We're mated, claimed, I have the tattoo to prove it. I growled and went for the phone on the night stand.

"What are you doing?" Iggy asks.

"Calling Ephraim."

"If you are calling me this late there must be a problem." Ephraim says. His voice echoes in the bedroom since I have it on speaker phone.

"I'm not sure you are aware of this, but I mated a man a while back, he and I technically don't have the mating spark."

"I'm aware, goddess told Ethan and he and I discussed it. He was worried about how the rest of your mates would feel about it. Didn't understand how you could mate someone if they weren't your mate."

"Yes he asked me about that actually. I said I'd explain it when he got older."

"What about the mating?"

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now