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"Brice, Tommy, you two lay here and get some rest. My mates will be popping in and out to check on you and I'm sure the kids will be down at some point to meet you. If you need anything just ask. It's what pack is for." I heard the doorbell ring and saw Don go see who it was. "By the way, you two know a kid named Isaac Newsom." They shared a look.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well apparently he and my eldest daughter got into a confrontation at school." Both men grinned and laughed.

"Jeez we heard it was some little girl but it was your daughter. Zeke is pissed that Isaac got in school suspension."

"Why does he care?"

"Because Isaac is his son." Tommy explained.

"No shit?"

"Truth, Zeke took one of the harem on vacation one time she came back pregnant so it was obviously his. He keeps that kid under his thumb. Kind of disappointed that he's just an omega. Isaac is always trying to prove himself to his old man. Tends to be a jackass because of it."

"Well that really puts a new spin on things. Not only did he make an enemy of my daughter, but he also broke her heart. She's his mate." They both stared slack jawed at me.



"Shit I hope Isaac isn't stupid enough to tell his dad. Zeke finds that out he'll kick him out of the pack in two seconds flat."

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"Because he thinks Isaac is borderline worthless and being mated to a dog would cement that opinion in Zeke's mind." I sighed.

"I'm going to need to talk to him about it."

"What? Why?"

"Because after his behavior my daughter has rejected him firmly and as he is just an omega he is going to get very sick." They shared a look. "Speaking of him I think I better go give him a call. He and I need to meet, about Isaac, the fight, not to mention he still owes recompense for Rance's treatment."

"If he suggests meeting at any bar in town say no, he owns them all pick someplace you know but isn't were owned."

"Thanks. Get some rest guys." I head upstairs and find my mates gathered in the entry. Remembering the bell I step forward. They part and I see Jenny laying there, her body flushed and face sweaty. I hurry to her and gather her in my arms.

"Jenny? Jenny sweetheart what's wrong? What are you doing here?" Her eyes opens and she tries to clutch at my shirt but her hands are too weak. I get my first whiff of her and my body goes ridged. I hear Rance let out a startled moan.

"She's in heat." I explain. "What happened?"

"I answered the door she fell inside."

"My parents, I told them you were my mate when I realized I was in heat. They dumped me at the end of the drive. My bag is still there. I couldn't carry it. It's too heavy."

"Dumped you?"

"Yes. They were too afraid to bring me up. You're a dog, mated to wolves. I'm sorry. I know you wanted to wait." Yeah that was blown out of the water. I juggled her and lifted her in my arms. I head up stairs to a guest room.

"Daddy, is she okay?" I hear and look up to see Kiara looking down from the third floor.

"She's in heat. She'll be alright." Honey and Libby head for the third floor and the kids. Iggy and Rance follow me to the guest room. I lay her down and look at Rance. "I'm sorry, it looks like for some reason our link goes only one way. More than likely having something to do with me being alpha. You'll feel her effect on me. I have to claim her or she'll die. Iggy..."

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