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It was Sunday again. I was told i would give birth soon. I was very big with my twins. It was unusual to feel them in there rolling around. I had somehow managed to get a moment alone in bed. Pushing the blanket back I looked down at my stomach. It was freaky in a way to go to sleep one way and wake up different. I could see the skin of my stomach, stretched over my twins, move as they rolled around. I knew it was one boy and one girl. Doc had spent every evening with me making sure I was alright.

"Well kids, I know that old saying of, be careful what you wish for, is really true. I wanted you to be safe and you are. If Doc's right you'll be in my arms in another day or so. I've got a girls name thought of but I'm thinking, little boy, that you should be a junior. But is it Alex Junior, or Donavan Junior? AJ, or DJ?" Which did I want more? To be really honest I wanted Don to be the father. I wanted it to be his twins. I loved Alex but he and I had Ethan together. I wanted this to be his twins so I could have that living breathing miniature of him that I knew was produced from him and I.

"You okay?" I jerk my head up to see Don in the doorway he had my dinner in his hands.

"Yeah." I tell him but he's frowning. Coming over and sitting next to me sets the tray aside and puts his hand next to mine on my stomach. They rolled under the skin. He chuckled.

"They are active tonight."

"Yes." I lift up the turkey leg on the plate and take a bite as I rub my stomach.

"How are you doing with this really? You don't really get a lot of awake time to really understand or enjoy any of this. I'm getting a kick out of seeing you change." I thought about it.

"Honestly, while I am excited to have babies out of this, the whole process is not as fun as I thought it would be. In a way I'm kind of glad it's all sped up. I get the end result without the months of stress about it. Does that sound bad?" I asked a little worried about the kind of person it made me.

"No. I think I'd be the same. The others seem to really enjoy being process they have fun with it. Tease, plan, giggle about it together. I used to be pretty upset about being denied the ability to be pregnant but the older I get the more I'm glad I get to watch it not experience it."

"If I were really honest and don't tell Alex this I don't want to upset him, but I want them to be yours. I have Ethan with Alex, and he's pregnant with our baby again. I always felt... like I was ripped off I guess that I could never have babies with you. If it were anyone else, any other circumstance I'm not sure I'd be as happy about it." As I had talked I'd seen tears gather in his eyes and a smile I rarely saw spread on his face. One that said he was loving me with his whole being at that moment. He leaned forward and kissed me. The kiss went straight through me. They'd been careful about revving me up, they wanted me to be relaxed and making love was not relaxing the way they wanted. I pulled back from him.

"Don, I want you."

"You are too close to your time." I stuck out my lip in a put on pout.

"But after a kiss like that you are just going to leave me hanging?" He chuckled.

"Well maybe I can help in another way." He scooted the tray of food to the side and moved down. Slipping my shorts down he winked and then bent past my stomach, where I couldn't see him. But I could feel him. His mouth, his tongue, the wet heat, the feel of him went straight through me and I knew I was going to come quickly. His mouth went down, my cock touched the back of his throat. He swallowed taking my in farther and I came shooting down his throat. I went boneless as the pleasure rolled away. He lifted up wiping the corner of his mouth as he smiled.

"You always come a lot when it's been a while." I chuckled.

"Now that is the way to relax." I turned back to my dinner really hungry now. He saw me chowing down and chuckled.

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