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"Well since you are here I'm assuming you want your gift." Angie nodded bouncing. Liz led the way to her office then handed Angie a wooden box with her named carved in the top. The box was a foot deep two feet long. Angie was grinning but there was a sad edge to it.

"You alright?" I ask her.

"Yes. I'm alright. I just miss her a lot. Mating, having a baby, and I can't gush with her about it."

"I know what you mean." I'd lost my mother when I was kid. I couldn't share my family with her. She bit her lip and opened it up. Inside was stack of handmade baby clothes. Both girls and boys clothes. I grinned as Angie pulled out each thing and looked it over. Under the clothes was a quilted receiving blanket. One side done all in girl colors the other done in boy colors.

"Looks like my baby is covered whether it's a girl or boy. It's so wonderful. Was your box like this Liz?"

"Yes. The clothes and blanket were different from yours but it was the same. I'm assuming Max, and Ilene's boxes are the same. Max can find out next year but Ilene has a few years before she can find out. She's the one who's going to be trying to sneak a peak before she's supposed to have it." Angie packed the things away and kissed the top of the box.

"Thank you mama." Angie hugged her sister tight. "Do you think she'd approve?"

"Of your mate?"

"Yes. Him, my new family? Even though it is kind of huge and a little weird."

"She'd be laughing her ass off. She'd be in her sewing room making shirts for the girls saying mom one, mom two, and the guys would get ones saying dad one, dad two. She'd make every Brady bunch, cheaper by the dozen, yours mine and ours reference she could think of. You would be the brunt of every family fun she could think of as well. All the while she'd be bouncing your babies on her knees and demanding more to spoil rotten. I'm definitely going to be on the joke band wagon, and spoiling is a given." Angie turned and hugged me tight.

"I'm a lucky girl." With a finger under her chin I tip her head up and kiss her. The light kiss went deep and encompassing. Her body molded to mine. She moaned and opened her mouth to me. The love I felt for her spun around us and made me wish we were alone. When I finally pulled back after easing the kiss. Angie's face was flushed and her breathing was fast and hard. She turned to her sister who was fanning herself.

"Oh honey, I'm going to kick you both out and find Richard. He better be here somewhere."

"Thank you Liz." Angie hugged her sister. "I'm going to run up and collect somethings. I'm sure I'll collect things here and there."

"You can leave stuff here. It'll make sure you come back here and there." we chuckled and I followed her up to her old room. It was very feminine. I chuckled as I realized that she had an entire collection of stuffed dogs. I lifted one and looked at her. She was filling a suitcase with clothes and things.

"I'm sensing a theme." I tease. She looks over and blushes bright red as she hurries over and takes the dog. She slips it on the shelf where I'd gotten it and steps between them and me.

"It's not what you think." she protests.

"I'm guessing you like pups. I'm also guessing that it was a kid thing that your siblings loved to tease you about so they bought and probably still buy them for you as a tease. Since you are a were-tiger and they aren't usually so keen on canines."

"Okay so it's exactly what you think. As a kid I loved dogs. I always wanted one but they are terrified of us. So mom bought me a stuffed one. I used to carry the thing around with me everywhere. I'd even sit it next to the tub when I took a bath. My siblings thought it was hilarious and I started getting stuffed dogs for birthdays, Christmas, any reason they could think of. So I have a huge collection now. We should pack them up one day and take them to the kids. They'd love them I'd bet."

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now