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I walk into find once again there is yelling going on in my house.

"I don't give a damn what you thought get the hell out."

"Isaac, he's your brother."

"He's a god damn suck up. Daddy's little angel. Makes me sick." Isaac stood nearly toe to toe with his brother. Their mother standing there. I see Kiara show up in the living room from the other doorway.

"Isaac, if he's your brother you should be nice to him." Kiara says. Isaac's face softens as he turns to Kiara.

"You don't understand. He doesn't deserve for me to be nice to him."

"Did he do something bad." Isaac glares at Walter.

"That depends on your definition of bad."

"My brothers don't do bad things to me, but they do get annoying and make me mad sometimes. Is it like that or did he hurt you?" Kiara asks walking over to him. She really was impressing me. Isaac stares at Walter.

"I guess it's not bad. It's just, he was the good boy the one dad always catered too and took care of. Never tried to be a brother."

"He wouldn't let me. He said you'd be a bad influence and I wasn't allowed to spend time with you. That didn't mean I didn't want to." Walter says.

"A bad influence, yeah I'd probably talk you into having a mind of your own."

"Please Isaac, I'm sorry. He's gone now though can't we at least be friends if not brothers?" Walter asks. Kiara pulls on Isaac's hand until he leans down.

"You should try. You might like having a brother. I do even if they are annoying sometimes."

"I'll try, if you give me a kiss on the cheek." I see my daughter blush but she nods and quickly kisses his cheek. I can't help but chuckle. Isaac seems surprised she did it but turns to Walter. "So, since we're gonna give this a try, like video games?" Walter nods.

"We've got some fun games. I'll show you how to use the system." Kiara says leading the way. Brenda shakes her head and finally notices I'm standing their watching.

"I apologize for the drama."

"No worries. I'm going to have a house full of a dozen teenagers I think drama will be a way of life." My mates wonder off as I head for the kitchen. In the kitchen I find Brice and Tommy once more in a heated kiss. I laugh.

"I thought I was the only one who had a kitchen fetish." Tommy jumps but doesn't pull from Brice's arms this time.

"It's the only room that seems to stay free of people for long stretches." Brice says. "You gonna start dinner?"

"Yes. While you two are here, I had a question for you. How would the two of you like to be live in security for me. I've been thinking of building a small house near the front gate, a sort of apartment, guard shack. You two could have it and maintain the property security for me. It'd be a load off my mind. Of course Tommy I'd expect you to be careful no physical strain while you are pregnant. Perhaps you could watch the security cameras let Brice walk the grounds for me a few times a day. I'd pay of course, then you'd have room and board provided. Interested?" I asked as I finished pulling out everything to make lasagna.

"Absolutely." They say together. I chuckle.

"Perfect. I'll have Iggy get in touch with our builder and we'll start on the house. Two bedroom for now since you're having a baby. We can add on if the family grows more." I tease. Tommy snorts.

"I think one is going to be good for a long while." Brice is frowning.

"You do want more kids though right?" I watched as Tommy stuttered.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now