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I looked at the main guard. "Who is in charge of the business?"

"Zeke was but Bruce was the number one man so he's taken over today. His office is up on the main floor where he can meet with clients for Zeke."

"Right, show me." I turned to Don.

"Hang out here, make sure there's no trouble. Rance you stay here, they know you they might feel more comfortable talking to you."

"Alright." I kissed them each and followed my guard up the stairs.

"Since I seem to have forgotten to ask what's your name?" He chuckled.

"Paul Graves."

"Nice to meet you Paul. You have been a lot of help. I appreciate that."

"I'm glad to do it. Zeke was a bastard and I for one am glad he's dead." Paul stopped and turned to me. "I should probably tell you before someone else gets around to it. Zeke was my older brother. But I haven't felt the least bit filial to him since I was about ten. If I could I'd dance on his grave. I'd have killed him myself if I had thought I'd actually win."

"Wow, dare I ask what causes such hatred?"

"The female he killed to become alpha, was my mate." My jaw dropped and I stared. "When it became apparent that he was going to win she made him swear if she put up no further fight that he'd not harm me or order me to harm after her death. He swore. He kept to it and I stayed to try and protect the pack how I could." He'd killed his own brothers mate to become alpha. I shook my head.

"You know, the more I learn about him the more I really wish I'd killed him slower." Paul chuckled. The office he led me to was nice. The man behind the desk was mostly gray and frowning.

"I don't give a damn." He said into his desk phone. "Fine send them home. You don't really need them you just like having two young hot guys to escort you everywhere. Then stop haggling price with me." He hung up and growled. "Old bat. Next week she's getting Tony and Brent." Paul laughed. I raised an eyebrow.

"Tony and Brent are young and hot per Mrs. O'Neil requirement but they are also the resident comedians and will annoy her to death." He explained. I chuckled. "Bruce our new alpha, Luke Harrison. Luke this is our very own Bruce Wayne."

"Please for the love of god do not make any batman jokes." The man says as he stands.

"Oh, I'd never be such a joker." I tell him then grin as he rolls his eyes.

"Have to admit that one is at least new. It's good to meet you sir. Paul was singing your praises last night. I think he bought six rounds last night, or was it seven?"

"It was ten, and two of those were for the entire bar." I laughed. He really hadn't liked his brother.

"Have a seat sir." Bruce tells me. "How did this morning go?" He asked Paul.

"Really well. Most everyone was happy about it. Until Luke told them they had to turn in credit cards. Veronica nearly had a stroke."

"Veronica? Gucci purse solid gold jewelry?" I ask.

"Yep." I snorted.

"I figure that credit card is going to be maxed out before I get it back."

"Hers and anyone else's she can get a hold of. She liked being a favorite it meant Zeke gave her lots of perks."

"You think she'll leave?"

"Not until she feels she's gotten everything out of you she thinks you'll let her have." Paul tells me.

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